Stung: Winter Special
    “Silly, it
wouldn’t be indecent. I would keep the indecent one here, with the
rest of my personal collection,” Victor said with a grin and pulled
a photograph out of the box.
    Crunch felt his
cheeks go aflame at the sight of Victor laying in bed and stroking
himself. He swallowed and eagerly held out his hand. “I’ll take
    “Will you?”
Victor’s eyes glinted when he moved the hand back, taking the
picture out of Crunch’s reach.
    “I sure will! I
know yar ways now. Ya can’t steal from me.” Crunch laughed and got
up from the chair, to be sure Victor wouldn’t be able to run
    “I can’t
believe it. You prefer me to scones.” Victor leaned back in the
chair, fanning himself with the photo.
    “Yar my scone!”
Crunch snorted at how cheesy that sounded, and in two steps, he was
right next to Victor, grabbing his hand, much to Victor’s apparent
    His eyes were
glowing when he cupped the side of Crunch’s face with his other
hand. “Just don’t bite... too hard.”
    “That’s not ’ow
I eat my scones. I like to suck out the lemon curd first,” Crunch
said and slowly kneeled, never taking his eyes off Victor’s.
    The boy’s smile
froze and then softened as he leaned forward, capturing Crunch’s
lips in a gentle kiss. “I want to have one of you too. Will you let
me take it?”
    Crunch took a
deep breath. “Go on then.”
    Victor’s breath
rasped against Crunch’s lips. “Now?”
    “I’d rather
suck that curd first.” Crunch wiggled his eyebrows and looked on as
Victor raised the fabric of his nightshirt, uncovering the soft
cock and balls laying on a bed of dark hair and soft skin.
    “I’d love to
have you do it to me again, Mr Crunch.”
    Crunch sucked
on his lip at the sound of those words. The way Victor said his
nickname made him feel all-important. “Can’t leave yawantin’ then,
can I?”
    “No, you can’t.
You can’t resist me.” Victor’s voice was suddenly very quiet, with
a rasp Crunch hadn’t quite heard from him before. The moment he
leaned in, the room resonated with a loud tweet, and Victor
slouched with a curse passing through his plump mouth.
    Crunch pulled
out from under the nightshirt. “What was that?”
    “Someone’s at
the door,” muttered Victor, and when the tweeting persisted, he
gave Crunch an apologetic smile. “Sorry, it seems important.”
    “Fuck,” Crunch
growled and instantly got to his feet. It had to happen just when
his cock was getting ready for another go.
    Victor rushed
for the door and unlocked it, opening it to the footman, whose face
didn’t express any thought he might possibly have about the setup
in the bedroom.
    “What is it,
Snipes?” asked Victor.
    Crunch scowled
and put a hand over his face as he conspicuously walked over to an
armchair in the corner. Victor had no shame.
    “There are some
gentlemen at the door, asking to see…” The footman cleared his
throat, “Mr Crunch?”
    Victor looked
back to him with a slight frown, but the commotion in the corridor
was unmistakable. Men in studded boots were coming for him. The
footman didn’t even manage to fully turn back when two tall
soldiers in leather barged in, their eyes setting on Crunch.
    One of the men
looked Victor up and down in a way that made Crunch’s skin crawl.
How dare he judge Victor in his own house? Crunch wanted to smack
him, but he reluctantly reached for his boots, already remembering
just how cold it was outside. “Let me guess, it stopped
    “Yeah, that
too, but we’ll have time to talk on the way back,” said one of the
other commanders. He usually only visited Honeyhill, but it seemed
something important was going on to make him come here
    “Why the rush?”
Victor’s voice was loud and clear. “Why don’t you gentlemen stay
for lunch?”
    The other
soldier, whose name Crunch didn’t even know, put his hands in his
pockets still with that stupid, knowing grin on his face.
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