
strongholdrising Read Online Free PDF

Book: strongholdrising Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisanne Norman

"They're at the spaceport, yes, but we still haven't got access to the Couana yet."

"Then get Captain Kisha onto it," he said, pushing his seat back from the table and getting to his feet. "If you can't do it, I'm sure he can find an excuse to get Shaayiyisis out of the Couana long enough for your people to get my crew and supplies on board. Someone's going to have to so we can take it. Just make sure it's fully fueled. Three-day jumps drain the reservoirs."

"We've a day's margin yet, Kusac. There is no need to accelerate the mission like this."

"I'm leaving now," he said, ignoring the censure in Rhyaz's tone as he brushed past him into the corridor. He stopped, turning round to look at the Brotherhood Warrior Master. "Do you really want to run the risk of Carrie's mind automatically Linking to mine again now her cub's born? You're the one who insisted I go on this mission in the first place!" He put all the anger and sarcasm he could into his tone.

"That's a million to one chance, Kusac," Rhyaz said uncomfortably, refusing to meet his gaze. "If you're going, you'd better leave now. I'll speak to Captain Kishasayzar. The disruptor will only give you a two hour window in which to launch the Couana without being tracked and followed by the Forces."

"I thought as much," he said, reaching out to place his hand on the Guild Master's chest. Slowly he extended his claws and grasped hold of Rhyaz' tunic. "You owe me for this, Rhyaz, and I'll be back to collect, no matter what happens. Remember that."

Shola, Zhal-Zhalwae, 22nd day (May)

"You didn't have me brought all the way out to Stronghold for a social chat, Lijou. I think it's time you told me what this is about," said Konis as he settled himself in the easy chair. "It can't be bad news or you'd have given it to me at home."

Lijou handed him a mug of c'shar before sitting down opposite him and placing his own mug on the small table beside them.

"We've had news from the Profit about your son."

Konis sat up, hands clutching the chair arms, ears flaring wide to catch every nuance. "Get on with it, then!"

"I couldn't tell you sooner because, until last night, we only knew that Carrie and Kaid were safe," he began, but his friend interrupted him.

"Not Kusac? What happened to him? Is he all right? Where was he?" His questions came tumbling out in a rush.

"Konis, please hear me out," said Lijou reaching out to touch him briefly. "When I've finished, you can ask all the questions you want, even speak to Carrie yourself."

"Dammit, Lijou! Get to the point! How is my son?"

"He's safe. We got him back last night during an exchange of hostages."

"Hostages? They were captured then?" His friend's voice was hushed now, and laced with fear.

"The Profit flew into a Valtegan trap just before it was due to go into jump. Then, barely a day later, both ships were taken by another craft that had been watching the Valtegans." He stopped, wondering what to say next. "To cut it short, Konis, it turned out this larger ship belonged to another faction of Valtegans, the Primes, from the world that spawned them originally. They were on their way here seeking a treaty with us against the Valtegans that destroyed our two colonies and took Keiss from the Humans."

"There are two worlds of Valtegans?" Konis asked faintly.

"More, four in all, but we can discount the fourth. Since their Cataclysm, it's stayed at a technological level similar to that of the Jalnians. The Valtegans we encountered at Keiss are known as the M'zullians, and they're at war with those from J'kirtikk, their third world. The ones that took the Profit and the Valtegan ship are very different from them. For a start, they don't have a psychotic hatred of us."

Konis blinked in confusion, obviously making a visible effort to absorb what Lijou was saying. "It was the Primes who took them and held them prisoner?"

Even as Lijou flicked his ears in an affirmative, he realized he was not making a good job of this
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