Stripped Bare

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Book: Stripped Bare Read Online Free PDF
Author: Susan Mac Nicol
visitor rooms over there. We can talk more privately there without wondering whether you’re going to let something loose.”
    He strode over to the small room, hoping that Shane would follow. He entered the room and stood looking out into the darkness beyond. Seconds later he heard Shane come in. Matthew spun around. The man stood, leaning against the door, his slim frame outlined against the light of the A and E waiting room. Matthew could appreciate him more now. His broad shoulders filled his suit to perfection, tapering down to lean hips and long legs. He looked wiry and lean. Matthew could see the faint glint of golden chest hair at the opening to his shirt.
    The lawyer’s stomach lurched, and the turmoil in his groin was growing. He cleared his throat. “Can you tell me what you and David were doing earlier to make you think he was upset or in danger?”
    Shane’s suddenly sly smile and lascivious look caught him off guard.
    “What we were doing? He had me tied down to a bed and was jerking off over me.” His taunting words went straight to Matthew’s groin, the images being conjured up enough to make his cock strain against the front of his trousers. He had a feeling it was exactly what the other man was trying to do.
    Shane glanced down at Matthew’s groin and grinned. “Well, well, look at that,” he said. “And here was me thinking you were so self-contained and controlled, Mr. Lawyer Man. Being so officious and all.” He moved closer and Matthew could smell the definite scent of some oriental fragrance mixed in with what was definitely sex. The man reeked of it. Matthew’s nostrils flared.
    “Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to shower afterward, as David was upset and I was trying to calm him down. Then I got distracted.” Shane’s eyes watched Matthew’s throat as he swallowed. “So I think I might smell rather rank.” His fingers lightly brushed Matthew’s hand, and it was as if a live cattle prod had suddenly been shoved at him.
    Matthew growled and moved away. “Thank you for sharing that with me. Yes, I’m gay too. So now we’ve joined the ranks of the exalted brotherhood together, can we get back to this all being about David?”
    The two men glared at each other for a moment and then Matthew heard the voice of Walter Debussy at the door.
    “Matthew? You look as if you’re squaring up in a bloody cock fighting ring, man. Stand down before I have to get the hose out for you two.” His words sounded jovial but Matthew knew Walter well enough to hear the nastiness behind them. His words had been well chosen. “Who is this man anyway?” He moved into the room.
    His dark eyes assessed Shane and found him wanting as he turned to the man standing behind him. Roy Parsons was ex-military, about five foot five, powerfully built with a wiry strength that belied his size. His brown eyes were focused on Matthew and Shane with a look of sheer disgust on his face. Matthew hadn’t seen him arrive, but then he’d been busy trying to control the rogue Shane.
    “Roy, if this man is one of my fag son’s filthy lovers, find out what the hell he wants and sort it. Then meet me outside. I’m going for a smoke. Don’t be long.”
    He turned back to Matthew. “Matthew, call me later so we can talk about how to handle all this. The police have already got wind of the whole thing. How, I don’t bloody know. Bastards. No doubt we’ll have to sort out the story. Better still, come over for lunch about twelve. That should give you enough time to have a cold shower and get your head around what we need to do.”
    “No.” Matthew’s quiet word caused all three men to look at him in surprise. Shane’s eyes narrowed.
    “What do you mean, ‘no?’ You’re my lawyer. You’ll do as you’re told.” Walter’s tone would brook no argument, and he turned to leave.
    Matthew shook his head. “I won’t be helping you do anything on this, Walter. I want no part of whatever it is you and Roy are
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