Stiletto Safari

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Book: Stiletto Safari Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate Metz
You know my friend Asha? Well, she’s just come back from Africa. She was helping with an AIDS awareness program and she totally loved the experience. She said it was by far the best thing she’s ever done in her life. I’ll organize drinks for all of us and you two can chat.”
    Emi’s enthusiasm was almost contagious. Of course I agreed to drinks. Asha was a really cool girl; I liked her a lot, so even though I wasn’t sold on volunteering it would be nice to catch up.
    I turned to Sal. “Before I buy my ticket to Africa, what do you think? Any other ideas?”
    “Well, for starters, have you really thought this through, Zara? I mean, six months off could really impact your career. I think you’re letting HR push you around far too easily. There’s no case against you, and Harvey & Rose are not stupid enough to risk an unlawful dismissal action. Talk to Sam again; he’s reasonable and I’m sure he can work something out with the other partners.”
    Sam was a genuinely nice man in his late fifties. “I thought the same thing, Sal, but when I spoke to Sam yesterday he thought a sabbatical was a good idea. I’m certainly not thrilled about the way things have turned out, but I’m not in a very good position to argue and could really do without any more drama in my life. Maybe a quiet six months is what I need.”
    Sal remained silent for a few moments before saying in a slightly peeved voice, “But if you don’t come back, Zara, who am I going to hang out with? I really miss you, and work has been a lot more boring since you’ve been gone. I’ve had to start having coffees with Toby, and while he’s a nice enough guy, it’s not the same. I need you.”
    “What about nice Clare?” I suggested helpfully.
    “Didn’t I tell you, she’s on secondment to Bank of America for the next twelve months,” Sal replied.
    “Well, if you get sick of Toby there’s always evil Clare…” I said halfheartedly.
    “Please—she is one of the most awful women on the planet. Hey, I can’t believe I haven’t told you yet. Apparently she’s sleeping with George—how totally gross is that? He’s so old.”
    “Ooohh, disgusting. Imagine what he looks like naked. Some things just aren’t worth doing for a pay rise!” At this thought we both started giggling.
    “So are you okay for money?” Sal had regained her composure and was looking at me in a concerned way. “You still have to pay the bills, right?”
    “Well, I’ve sort of had an interesting development on that front, but you both have to promise not to tell anyone before I divulge.”
    Emi and Sal exchanged glances.
    “No, I’m serious, girls; promise or I’m not telling you a thing.”
    Both Sal and Emi nodded their assent.
    “Well, I told you about how Nick’s father wrote me a check for a quarter of a million to walk away. Of course, I didn’t take the money. I was so furious about it. I mean, how demeaning, trying to buy me off like that. But, the other day I was going through my bag and there it was; Nick must have somehow slipped the check into my bag. I don’t know what to do with it, though. I haven’t cashed it and I’m not sure I ever will.”
    Sal whistled softly. “Wow, that’s a lot of money. You should definitely keep it, Zara. You didn’t do anything wrong, and Nick has definitely hurt your career, at least in the short term.”
    Emi was nodding her head in agreement. “Sal’s right. You didn’t ask to be put in this situation. If it makes you feel any better about it, maybe you can keep some of the money and donate some of it to a worthy cause.”
    While Sal and Emi had a point, I still wasn’t convinced I should touch a cent of Bill Hansen’s money. I didn’t want to feel like I owed that man anything.
    “Mmm, I hear you.” I shrugged my shoulders in exasperation at myself. “But it just doesn’t feel right. Believe it or not, I’ve actually got a bit saved, and I’ve also got the share portfolio I inherited from my
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