Stiletto Safari

Stiletto Safari Read Online Free PDF

Book: Stiletto Safari Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate Metz
she contemplated something in the paper.
    “Sal,” Emi admonished, planting an affectionate kiss on her cheek. “You are way too serious, reading the paper on the weekend! You should have come to yoga with us. You could have met Henri.” Emi beamed at the very mention of his name.
    Missing the cue to ask who Henri was, Sal turned to me and looked me up and down. “Wow, you look great considering…”
    “What, considering I’ve got no boyfriend, no job, and I’ve hardly gotten out of bed in the last two weeks?” I sounded terse even to myself.
    Sal gave me a wounded-dog sort of look.
    “Sorry, Sal, I’m still feeling a bit raw at the moment. I haven’t quite come to grips with my crappy new life,” I said, managing a little smile. “Mind you, if Emi and her soon-to-be French lover have their way I’ll be super flexible and feeling positively Zenlike in no time.”
    “French lover…mmm, sounds interesting.” Sal turned expectantly to Emi. Of course Emi wasted no time bringing Sal up to speed on Henri’s numerous virtues.
    Tuning out, I absent-mindedly flicked through the paper. It was the first time I’d looked at the paper for almost two weeks. I had been trying to avoid all forms of media; I just couldn’t bear reading anything more about the “Manhattan Three,” as Nick, Josh, and Teddy had been dubbed. The press was having a field day and was printing so much crap about Nick it was disgusting.
    Besides, I hadn’t needed to read the paper. Emi, my would-be PR rep, was searching all the major papers for photos of me. Fortunately, there hadn’t been any more, although this disappointed Emi. “But in that one shot you looked so glamorous in your LV dress. It really was a pretty photo, at a very flattering angle,” she’d gushed.
    The photo she was referring to had been taken outside a fundraising night at the Met. The night had been perfect. As a surprise, Nick had bought me a beautiful floor-length silk gown and matching gold heels. I’d managed to leave work early, which gave me ample time to get my hair, makeup, and nails done. The effort was worth it and we’d had a fabulous night.
    Gggrrhhh, there I was thinking about Nick again! With a supreme effort, I banished him from my thoughts and tried to catch up with Emi and Sal’s conversation.
    Sensing a lull, I asked the girls’ opinion on a new development in my saga that was bothering me. “So, girls, what do you think about this: one of the HR bitches at Harvey & Rose is suggesting—well, actually more or less insisting—that I take a six-month sabbatical. She thinks I need a good break after my ordeal .”
    Sal raised a manicured eyebrow.
    “I know, Sal, they’re just bullshitting because they’re embarrassed having me at work. The whole Nick episode is still on everyone’s mind, and the partners want to make sure the whole fiasco is dead and buried before they let me in front of clients again. Still, it could have been worse. They could have sacked me, which is kind of what I expected. According to Sam—the partner I work for,” I added for Emi’s benefit, “the commercial department isn’t doing very well at the moment and they might have to let some lawyers go. Anyway, I need to do something to occupy myself for six months; I’m going crazy not having anything to do. What do you girls think? My parents think some kind of volunteer work is a good idea, but I’m not so sure.”
    Emi put down her soy chai latte with a clatter. “Babe, that is such a good idea. You should so do something like that. It will give you a fresh perspective on life. Doing charity work always gives me such a buzz. There are so many cool things you can do!
    Do you want to do something with people, animals, or the environment?” Emi was on a roll. She looked me up and down. “Something with people or animals, I think. Sal, do you agree?”
    Sal looked bemused, but dutifully nodded her assent.
    “Oh my god, I’ve thought of the perfect thing for you.
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