Steam City Pirates
don’t know how this machine works, and only Seth really understands its design. Your antagonists seem to have a much more developed method of visiting the future. You said Jane Haskins brought somebody with her to design a death machine?”
    “That’s correct. She must have a time travel device that allows her to bring another person back with her. My guess is that what Seth saw alludes to a new criminal conspiracy, and these adversaries of ours are once again using inventors from the future to design devices they can apply in the 1860s, when our technology does not possess the advanced features to counter theirs. The only clue I have now is the use of balloons. I do know that General McClellan used balloons in the war to spy on the Rebels and provide directions for our artillery to accurately shell the enemy. Thaddeus Lowe was the name of the gentleman who headed the balloon corps, and I can visit him to see what has since been evolving in our government’s research into using balloons for warfare.”
    “Excellent idea! In the meantime, I will work with Seth on our own time machine. Perhaps we can discover exactly how it functions and to what use we can put it in order to advance our cause.” Doctor Adler placed his arm around the boy’s shoulders.
    “Can I go up in the balloon?” Seth asked.
    I looked down at the boy and smiled. “I’ll ask Mister Lowe. We need you to keep looking out for developments in the future with these pirates you saw. Can you do that for us?”
    “Of course! These visions come to me. I don’t look for them,” Seth pointed out.
    “That has always been the way with Jews,” said Rabbi Adler. “We are called by the Creator to go forth and accomplish His will. We are always reluctant heroes. We shall work to piece this puzzle together because we have been called to do so.”
    “I also want to visit my other friends. Missus Mergenthaler, Rebecca Charming Jones, and Walter McKenzie and his men have all become part of this supernatural adventure. We can still use the same analytical skills to solve problems, but this new challenge will require the best from everyone in our group. On behalf of our group, I want to welcome you, Doctor,” I said, walking over to him and once again shaking his hand.
    Doctor Adler said, “Do you mind if I show you something I created in honor of your new presence inside our temple? I want to hang it upon our wall to symbolize our struggle.”
    The rabbi walked over to a wooden chest and opened the top. He bent down and pulled out a large tapestry and brought it over to the wall near the laboratory section of the cavernous room. “Mister O’Malley, would you mind holding this against the wall while I hammer it into place?”
    I walked over to where he stood and took the left side of the square tapestry. It was made of blue wool, and it had gold silk sewn on the top of it with what looked like letters of some kind. I held the half up to the wall. “Here?” I said, ready to move it if it did not look to be in the proper place.
    “One more inch to the right and up about another two inches,” said Doctor Adler, standing in front of the tapestry holding his hammer and nails.
    I moved it accordingly until he said, “There!” The rabbi walked over, reached up, and hammered the first nail into the corner of what now appeared to be a flag or pennant of some sort. He then moved down to the lower left corner and hammered the second nail into the wall.
    I picked up the other side of the cloth and carried it over until it was ready to be hammered against the wall.
    “Up one inch!” Doctor Adler instructed me.
    I moved it up. He came over and hammered in the final two corners.
    We both moved back to look at the final result. The Hebrew letters for what was to be our symbol of victory over evil looked like this:

    “It’s quite striking. What does it mean?” I asked.
    “It is Hebrew, and it means ‘who is like God?’ In English, it is the name Michael. In
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