Steam City Pirates
beakers filled with many kinds of chemicals, test tubes and a chart of the elements, were all laid out neatly on top of the table.
    In addition, there were many devices I had never seen before. The doctor walked over to one of these inventions and placed his hand upon it. It looked like a circular device that could hold something in several holes that were located around the periphery. To demonstrate, the doctor walked over to the table and picked up three test tubes filled with liquid and were capped with corks. He brought them over to this device and placed each tube inside one of the holes. He then pushed a button and the device began to spin the tubes rapidly around and around until they were spinning so fast they were a blur of glass and liquid.
    “This is a centrifuge. Seth was able to see this invention in the future, and we copied it. This runs with an electro-magnetic generator. We can use it to mix drugs and chemicals to develop all kinds of elixirs and medicines that Mount Sinai is now using. We also want to find other inventions and mixtures we can use to cure diseases and other maladies. Seth has told us there are cures in the future that we can bring back to put to our use. But first, we need to find out how these cures are made and what tools we need to create to develop them.” Doctor Adler stopped the electric spinning and walked over to another device that was standing along the wall.
    “This is our time machine,” he said, matter-of-factly. “Seth was able to see it being used far in the future, and we were able to create it. It was quite easy to create, as I believe things must have become simpler as technology advanced over the years. Look. All one need do is step between the beams of light transmitted by these magnetic force field amplifiers. I can see you are excited. Your rival, Miss Hester Jane Haskins, has this ability as well, does she not?” Doctor Adler smiled.
    I believe Doctor Adler mistook my shaking in fear for excitement.
    “Yes. She disappeared. The police destroyed her killing machine, but she demonstrated how she was able to travel in time to bring back the inventor of this device which was murdering poor orphans for profit. I would, indeed, like to see how this machine of yours works,” I said, and I moved over to put my hand on one of the magnetic transmitters. “When could we try it?”
    The device had two tall columns of metal facing each other. Each one had a globe at the top. Connecting the two pillars was a large crystal capsule with a set of levers on a panel inside the capsular container. Doctor Adler placed his right hand on one of the columns. “My father always told me that necessity is the mother of invention, so I suppose we should first have an immediate need to use this machine. Inside each of these columns is the magnetic force field amplification system. Seth observed how these were assembled, and we were able to duplicate the process. The key was the circulating of light beams between the amplifiers by using gamma and magnetic fields to warp time.”
    “My mother always told me to believe in guardian angels, and now I have an angel to guard,” I said. “In fact, it would seem I will be solving cases in quite a different manner now that Seth is my assistant. On our way over here, Seth related a crime in the future that will be committed by pirates in a flying balloon. We have no clue as to how these air balloons are being used and what weapons they might have to force a merchant ship into submission. I can only apply my detective analysis to what I know now and in the past. Seth’s vision into the future is limited by its scope, as you probably must know. The boy gives me just enough to begin compiling theories. If this time machine could get us into the future with some degree of control, then we might be able to ascertain a much better degree of discovery to use in our case.”
    “Yes, I understand,” said Doctor Adler. “The fact of the matter is that I
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