Stay With Me (The Montgomery Brothers)

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Book: Stay With Me (The Montgomery Brothers) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samantha Chase
“I’m so glad you’re home”, Gina almost burst into tears.  It had been so long since they’d seen each other and yet she’d felt more warmth and affection than she did back on the west coast in her own home.  “Thank you, Monica,” she said with a final squeeze and then met William by the back door.
    It was a cool September evening with a star-filled sky.  There was an overall feeling of peace as they walked toward the garage and Gina was enjoying the silence.
    “It’s okay to be nervous about seeing your father,” William said softly.
    It was pointless to argue; William Montgomery had a way of seeing into your soul and knowing exactly how you felt and yet never making you feel bad about it.  “It’s been a long time.”
    William sighed.  “He struggled every day with his decision to let you move across the country.  It wasn’t easy for him and unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be any way to make everyone happy.”
    “My mother can be difficult,” Gina said, trying to play if off like it wasn’t a big deal but they both knew differently.
    “We’ve missed you; not just your dad but all of us.  You were part of our family.”
    “I wanted to keep in touch but sometimes it was just easier to let things go th an deal with…” she trailed off and saw William nod in understanding.
    “That’s all in the past, Gina.  You’re here now and if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
    “You’re being far too generous.  The house, the car…I’m not used to having things go so smoothly.”
    “You just say the word and Monica and I will postpone our trip.  You shouldn’t be alone to deal with all of this.”
    “Thank you for offering but I would feel terrible if you missed your trip.  Besides, I think that it might be a good thing for me and my father to have this time together.”  She paused and then stopped in her tracks.  It didn’t take long for William to stop and turn to face her.  “I know that you said that you would arrange for me to meet with the doctors in charge of my father but…I don’t want to do that.”
    William quirked an eyebrow at her.  “May I ask why?”
    She took a fortifying breath.  “This trip is not going to be easy for either of us.  If I try really hard, I can pretend that this is just a normal visit and enjoy the time that he and I have together.  Once I talk to the doctors, all I’m going to be able to focus on is how much time we have left together.”  Unwanted tears filled her eyes and William pulled her in to his embrace.
    “Whatever it is that you want, that’s what we’ll do.”  He felt Gina nod against him and rested his head on top of hers.  She felt small and fragile and more than anything, he hated that she had to go through this alone.  He understood her feelings well; she was losing her father and he was losing his best friend.  They had a bond through Arthur Micelli and William knew that more than anything, he would take care of Gina and make sure that she got through this in tact. 
    “I’ll tell you what,” he began and looked down into her big green eyes that were bright with unshed tears.  “I’ll let the doctors know that you’re there and to make themselves available should you want to talk to them.  Okay?”
    She nodded.  “Thank you for understanding.  I know that I should be braver about this and maybe I’m being naïve but for now, in all honesty, ignorance is bliss.”
    William took her by the hand and together they walked in silence toward the garage.  When they arrived, William opened the door and revealed four vehicles: an SUV, two luxury sedans and a BMW convertible.  Gina couldn’t help it; the convertible called to her.  She was just about to take a step toward the sleek vehicle but stopped herself.
    “Um, which car will you and Monica be taking?” she asked casually.
    William had to hide his grin.  He didn’t even need to ask which car she wanted; the wide-eyed way she kept
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