I’m lacking male
attention, far from it, but my type happens to be musicians.
you’re on the road all relationships are short, even friendships. You take
“relationships” where you can find them and they require about as much
commitment as a pet rock. Having a guy ask you to be his girlfriend in the “real
world” is the equivalent of a band boy actually remembering your surname. But
that’s the way I like it. The sad truth is that I’d rather have two nights with
a rockstar than two years with your average bloke.
fact that Luke is even enquiring about my love life is enough to make my heart
Nope. Are you?
No, I’m single too.
knew that. Luke totally subscribes to the musician way of life and a girlfriend
would only cramp his style. Before I have chance to worry about what to say in
response, Luke sends me another message.
Can I ask you something?
trying to sound cool and like I’m not really bothered. This is so high school,
I cannot believe that I am still playing these games.
Luke: You know that I fancy you, don’t you?
If I’m being honest, I’m waiting for the
punch line.
My first guess is that it isn’t Luke at all.
It could be Eddie, the TFTR front-man, messing with me, or maybe it is Luke but he’s drunk. Then again, if he’s drunk how come his typing is so
accurate? And Eddie being sober, or alone, at this time of night after a gig is
about as probable as me using my cooker for something other than storage.
Nicole: You fancy everyone haha!
Luke: No, I really fancy you.
If this isn’t a joke then I am gobsmacked.
I’ll have to reply with something or he’ll think he’s scared me away. Not only
is this guy my crush but he’s a proper celebrity these days. He might not be a
super-star like Dylan, and TFTR aren’t as big as Plastic Rap yet, but he’s big enough
to have an album in the impressive end of the Top 40 at the moment.
Nicole: Is this really you?
Better to ask than to make a total tit
of myself and have the rest of the band tease me about it for the rest of time.
Luke: Of course it’s me. You don’t
believe me?
Nicole: Are you drunk?
Luke: Yes, but that’s not why I’m
telling you. I can’t get you out of my head, especially when I’m alone on the
bus ;).
He’s taking a bit of a risk with our
friendship here but he is a musician. He oozes confidence and probably thinks every
girl in the world finds him attractive – then again, they probably do. Luke can
easily get away with hitting on his female friends and using tacky emoticons in
his messages.
Luke: Am I making things awkward? I’m sorry.
Nicole: You’re not making thinks awkward,
don’t worry.
Luke: We flirt all the time, why do you seem
so surprised?
Nicole: Again, because you flirt with
Luke: Wait until I see you, we’ll talk in
person and then you’ll know that I mean what I say.
I agree before changing the subject from
Luke’s declaration of lust and we carry on chatting for a while. Before I know
it it’s nearly 4am, which means I should definitely be in my bed by now. I
don’t want to go, but I don’t want to be late for work again either. I am both
relieved and devastated when Luke says that he had better get some sleep, so we
finish the conversation by saying that we’ll see each other on tour in a couple
of days.
Finally climbing in my bed, I rest my head on
the pillow and try to get some much needed sleep. My conversation with Luke is
replaying in my head and I can’t help but wonder how things are going to play
out when I see him.
I’m so going to be late for work in the
Chapter Six: The Fan-bang
the exciting events last night, not only am I at work on time but I am also the
first one to arrive.
am in a fantastic mood today and my work is reaping the benefits. In fact, I am