to add her to
his collection of wives. He knows to gain her as a mate will make
the offspring your heirs. That would be advantageous for the
Guilthari.” A slight frown suddenly touched Nadia's full lips. “We
should talk to her about mating. Sitara and Ariel are a year away
from their majority after all. Mating our daughters to the right
men could settle a multitude of loose ends.”
    Sharr placed his arm around her bare waist.
“I agree.”
    “Speaking of which, I’ve not seen Kulcarin
in a few days? Do you know of his location?” Nadia asked.
    “He attends to an issue for me.” He did not
explain further about the whereabouts of young Kulcarin
    “Leave it to me to be matchmaker.” Nadia
regarded her mate seriously. “In that respect, we shouldn’t be
remiss to think beyond Vorkrür’s shores for such prospects. There
are certain suitors worth our consideration not yet Falcanians.
Darius Noorani comes to mind. He would make a good ally. That is
the feudal way, by means of blood or steel. It is how Imperial
lines thrive.”
    Sharr restrained a laugh, yet Nadia caught
the slight grin he attempted to hide.
    “What?” Her kohl accented eyes became blue
    The look on her face caused him to grin even
more. “It's just –”
    “What?” Nadia leaned closer; her generous
breasts almost touched his chest.
    Sharr Khan inhaled deeply, and savored the
sweet aroma of his mate. Her perfume seemed to be laced with
almonds and cinnamon scents. Nadia’s oil treated hair, conditioned
in a weekly regime passed down by her upper caste Bengali forebears
ensured that her rich dark locks would keep their beautiful sheen.
The jasmine smell of her hair reminded Sharr of the flowers which
grew around the Falcanian stronghold at Kuras, located near the
foot of the Himalayas. The fragrances always caused Sharr to go
weak and think only about things of pleasure when he breathed
Nadia's sweet aroma.
    “My T'Kara,” he took her in his arms.
    For a moment, Nadia cringed at her mate's
use of her Falcanian name. Not that she did not like it. T'Kara, a
beautiful word to be sure, yet also a literal translation of the
name which her father had bestowed upon her, carried with it an
intentional irony which Nadia's superstitious side shied away
    “You sounded so much like your mother.”
Sharr watched the hard expression on Nadia's face soften. “I
imagine Ambika Sen made a similar remark to Turhan Korelia
concerning our bonding. Your mother’s a weaver of fates.”
    The Queen arched a brow. “So you’re saying
I’m just carrying on Maa's meddling?”
    “Yeah,” Sharr laughed. “Something like that.
It is particularly interesting that you bring up Darius Noorani
given our Intel concerning who, and what he is, wedding him to one
of our twin daughters may prove beneficial for our Khanate.”
    Sharr took Nadia into his arms. The couple
walked arm and arm around the deck of the C&C Tower to gaze out
of the grand window that overlooked the bay. Outside ships arrived
from India and Japan, bringing merchants to trade wares with the
    [North America: New York City]
    A glistening mega-city glowed with
spotlights and flames which perpetually burned in great cauldrons
atop columns set as high as the greatest towers within the
metropolis forever served to be a beacon to all, this nation would
never again be destroyed. Many looked toward the monolithic city as
a sign of hope.
    The capital of the North American Imperium
settled atop the ruins of Old New York. Romulus chose this place to
be his seat of power as a sign of defiance to the world that even
after the bombings and the ineptitude of the former Government,
what had once been the United States would again become a light of
progress for the world.
    Bronzed armored centurions lined the steps
of the massive complex that stood opposite the Senate building
which served as JR Giovanni's palace. There could be little doubts
however that power rested with
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