Star Trek: That Which Divides

Star Trek: That Which Divides Read Online Free PDF

Book: Star Trek: That Which Divides Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dayton Ward
intrigued by what they’ve managed to accomplish, particularly given their current state of technological advancement.”
    “It’s impressive,” Sortino said, “there’s no arguing that, Mister Spock. They’re about on par with where Earth might have been in the mid to late twenty-first century, if your people hadn’t seen fit to pay us a visit. A permanent presence on another world in their solar system, with regular traffic to and from it and an entire industry practically resting on the shoulders of that tenuous connection? It’s fascinating as hell, if you ask me. I can’t wait to see it for myself, and I can’t believe this rift or energy field that surrounds the planetoid isn’t something you’re interested in studying, Commander.”
    The first officer nodded. “Indeed. So far as I am able to determine, the phenomenon is unlike anything ever before encountered.”
    “Any theories on what it might be, Spock?” Kirk asked. Though it was very subtle, Kirk was still able to note the almost minuscule change in his friend’s normally inscrutable features as he pondered the question.
    “I am reluctant to give voice to any hypothesis untilmore information is available,” replied the Vulcan. “However, the lack of any known precedent does tend to support the notion that it is not a product of nature, but rather artificial construction. It is worth noting that the sensor readings obtained and transmitted by the Huang Zhong ’s science officer remain largely inconclusive.”
    McCoy leaned forward in his chair, and Kirk noted the look in the doctor’s eyes as he asked, “You’re not just saying that because of any feelings you might have for the Huang Zhong ’s science officer, are you?”
    Before Spock could answer, Scott tapped the shuffled deck on the table. “Five card draw, nothing wild,” he announced as he began dealing cards to the other players, beginning with Spock to his left and proceeding clockwise around the table.
    Seemingly content to leave Spock alone, at least for the moment, McCoy instead returned his attention to Sortino. “Ambassador, how are the Dolysians taking to the notion of having interstellar neighbors? First contact had to be something of a shock.”
    “At first,” the ambassador conceded, “and that’s not even considering the Prime Directive issues, which pretty much went out the window when the Resolute found the sleeper ship. Still, that was mitigated by returning the ship and the crew to Dolysia. There was some initial unrest and even panic in some quarters, but by all accounts most of the population seemed to accept the new paradigm without too much trouble. Still, there’s been a small army of sociologists and other specialists working with government, scientific, and industry leaders for more than a year, helping to ease the burden of transition.”
    Spock said, “There would seem to be many issues toaddress before Dolysia would be ready for Federation membership.”
    “Absolutely,” Sortino replied as Scott finished dealing cards. Reaching for the five cards she had been given, she brought them up so that she could read them while straightening them with her free hand. “Still, they’ll certainly receive protectorate status, and one of the reasons I’m here is to negotiate a long-term trade agreement. The ore they’re mining out of the planetoid, erinadium, shows some serious potential to be useful in a number of areas. Don’t ask me to tell you what those areas are; all I know is that some scientists back on Mars have been studying samples of the stuff for months, and they seem pretty excited over whatever it is they’ve found.”
    Guided by instinct, Kirk glanced at Spock, who was already lowering his cards and opening his mouth to deliver what the captain knew would be an in-depth recitation on the properties and possible uses of erinadium. “Your bet to open, Spock,” he said, grinning as the Vulcan realized he had been thwarted.
    “Very well,”
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