Star Risk - 03 The Doublecross Program

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Book: Star Risk - 03 The Doublecross Program Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chris Bunch
said. "I checked the manifest, and figured that was the only reason you bothered to learn the language."
    "Ah, well," Goodnight said. "While the mice is away, or however that goes. At least I took the time for the language conditioning."
    "Is it not interesting," Grok said, "that they left their central city in the desert, rather than making the lands around beautiful?"
    "Perhaps it reminds them of their roots," M'chel suggested. "As I recall, they came from a desert planet to begin with."
    "I shall never understand humans," Grok decided. "It is also interesting, that they sited their capital at a distance from a spaceport. That is hardly convenient."
    "Unless you're used to being invaded by transports," M'chel suggested.
    "Princes� and a king," Chas murmured, still considering the social system. "How bizarre."
    Rafar City was laid out in broad avenues, as if a highway engineer was its main architect.
    The buildings were spotless, and high-rise buildings dotted the city.
    The Rafar Arms Hotel, rather than being a tower, was a sprawl of low buildings that mimicked the higher buildings around it, set in vast gardens.
    Riss, although having no objections after years of bunkers and barracks, had once wondered why Friedrich insisted on luxury hotels whenever possible.
    "Other than you obviously like it," she had added.
    Friedrich had said something pompous about expecting his surroundings to match his capabilities.
    Jasmine had added, "besides, it makes the client, stunned by all the extravagance, hold still for the outrageous fees we charge."
    Waiting in the main lobby of the hotel were von Baldur, King, and an expensively khaki-uniformed man with a finger-line mustache. His epaulettes carried a ring of six stars. Riss didn't know what rank that made him�the highest the Alliance went was four, and that was for the Commander of the Forces.
    Friedrich introduced him as Prince Barab, Minister of Defense.
    The man blinked at Grok, then bowed to the others.
    "You have honored me, and my worlds, by taking the time to consider yourself with our small problems. I welcome you to the Khelat Worlds."
    "And we are equally honored," Riss said smoothly, "that you consider us worthy."
    The man smiled as if he really meant it.
    "Your leader, General von Baldur, has presented your capabilities, and I am much impressed."
    Riss noted that von Baldur had given himself a promotion, most likely to keep pace with Six-Star Barab.
    She also noticed that Barab didn't speak in the local language, but in Alliance lingua franca.
    "Unfortunately," Barab went on, sighing deeply, "such a decision can only be made by his Most Royal Highness, the King. And unfortunately, he is in his spring quarters."
    "What might those be?" Grok said. "If I'm not asking an unseemly question."
    "Each year," Barab said, "His Highness and certain specially honored members of the Royal Family go deep into the wastelands to remind themselves of our roots and to ensure humility."
    "Ah," Grok said.
    Chas Goodnight had a bit of trouble keeping a straight face.
    "You mean you go camping� when you don't have to?"
    "Now, now," von Baldur said smoothly. "Each culture has its own practices."
    "Thank you, Friedrich, for your understanding," Barab said. He frowned.
    "But I spoke hastily. Our situation seems to be worsening by the day.
    "Perhaps we should seize the horn of expediency and allow you the great privilege of visiting his Royal Highness, when he may choose to discuss this matter."
    "We would be delighted," Friedrich said.
    "Give us a chance to wash and change," Riss said, "and we'll be ready within the hour."
    "Good, good." Barab took von Baldur by the sleeve, drew him aside.
    "But I assume you'll wish to leave that alien behind� Although I mean no discrimination."
    "Of course you do not," Friedrich said. "But I must add that without his unique capabilities our fees will almost certainly increase radically."
    "By how much?" Barab asked, a worried note in his voice. "I have
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