Stand Into Danger

Stand Into Danger Read Online Free PDF

Book: Stand Into Danger Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alexander Kent
    Bolitho said, “He is due home, sir. But with an arm gone and no chance to remain in the King’s service, I’m not certain what will become of him.” He broke off, startled that he had spoken his thoughts aloud.
    But Dumaresq gestured to the glass. “Drink, Mr Bolitho, and speak as you will. It’s more important that I should know you than you should care for my views.” It seemed to amuse him. “It comes to all of us. We must consider ourselves fortunate indeed to have her! ” His head swivelled round as he looked at the cabin. He was speaking of the ship, his ship, as if he loved her more than anything.
    Bolitho said, “She is a fine vessel, sir. I am honoured to join her.”
    Dumaresq leaned over to refill the glasses. Again he moved with catlike ease, but used his strength, like his voice, sparingly.
    He said, “I learned of your recent grief.” He raised one hand. “No, not from anyone in this ship. I have my own means, and I like to know my officers just as I know my command. We shall be sailing shortly on what may prove a rewarding voyage, then again it may be fruitless. Either way it will not be easy. We must put old memories behind us, reserve not forget them. This is a small ship and each man in her has a part to play.
    â€œYou have served under some distinguished captains and you obviously learned well from your service. But in a frigate there are few passengers, and a lieutenant is not one of them. You will make mistakes, and I will allow for that, but misuse your authority and I will fall upon you like a wall of rock. You must avoid making favourites, for they will end up using you if you are not careful.”
    He chuckled as he studied Bolitho’s grave features.
    â€œThere is more to being a lieutenant than growing up. The people will look to you when they are in trouble, and you will have to act as you think best. Those other days ended when you quit the midshipman’s berth. In a small ship there is no room for friction. You have to become a part of her, d’you see?”
    Bolitho found himself sitting on the edge of his chair. This strange man gripped his attention like a vice. His eyes, set wide apart, equally compelling, insistent.
    Bolitho nodded. “Yes, sir. I do.”
    Dumaresq looked up as two bells chimed out from forward.
    â€œGo and have your meal. I’ve no doubt you’re hungry. Mr Palliser’s crafty schemes for recruiting new hands usually bring an appetite if nothing more.”
    As Bolitho rose to his feet Dumaresq added quietly, “This voyage will be important to a lot of people. Our midshipmen are mostly from influential parents who are eager to see they get a chance to distinguish themselves when most of the fleet is rotting or laid up in-ordinary. Our professional warrant officers are excellent, and there is a strong backbone of prime seamen. The rest will learn. One last thing, Mr Bolitho, and I trust I will not have to repeat it. In Destiny, loyalty is paramount. To me, to this ship, and to His Britannic Majesty, in that order! ”
    Bolitho found himself outside the screen door, his senses still reeling from the brief interview.
    Poad was hovering nearby, bobbing excitedly. “All done, sir? I’ve ’ad yer gear stowed where it’ll be safe, just like you ordered.” He led the way to the wardroom. “I managed to ’old up the meal ’til you was ready, sir.”
    Bolitho stepped into the wardroom and, unlike the last time, the place was noisy with chatter and seemingly full of people.
    Palliser stood up and said abruptly, “Our new member, gentlemen!”
    Bolitho saw Rhodes grinning at him and was glad of his friendly face.
    He shook hands and murmured what he hoped was the right thing. The sailing master, Julius Gulliver, was exactly as Rhodes had described him, ill at ease, almost furtive. John Colpoys, the lieutenant who
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