
Squire Read Online Free PDF

Book: Squire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tamora Pierce
Tags: fantasy magic lady knight tortall
like you to do, Flyn - give her a chance.”
    Kel knew she had to leave or say she was there. Cat-quiet, she went to her door, then yanked it loudly shut. She walked into the center of the room, saying, “Your food and water dishes are here - “
    A man poked his head through the connecting door. He was in his early forties, blunt nosed, with the dark skin, hair, and eyes of a Bazhir. He wore a white cotton shirt and loose dark green breeches, casual dress. “Good afternoon, Squire Keladry. Do you remember me?”
    Kel smiled at the Bazhir. “It’s Qasim, isn’t it? You fed my birds on the spidren hunt.” He’d been paired with her that day and had treated her just as he had the male pages. That, and the fact that he liked her sparrows, made him a friend in Kel’s eyes.
    “Have you still the little ones?” he asked.
    “Some. The flock got too big for me to keep them all.” Kel’s new flock left their dishes and flew to Qasim, fluttering around him. “They remember you,” she said.
    He reached into a pocket and withdrew a handful of dried cherries. “I hoped they would,” he admitted with a smile. The birds grabbed the treats. “Come.” He led Kel into Raoul’s quarters.
    The Knight Commander occupied a suite of rooms. The one connected to Kel’s was a study, complete with a desk, a number of chairs, and full bookcases. Maps of Tortall and its neighbors were mounted on three walls. Beyond the study was a dining room of sorts, though the table was covered with armor and weapons. From her tour that morning Kel knew Raoul’s bedroom was on the other side, with its dressing room and privy.
    Raoul sat at his desk, stacks of paper and books spread around him. He grinned at Kel. “I see you remember Qasim ibn Zirhud. He’s a corporal now, in Volorin’s squad. I don’t think you were properly introduced to Flyn, though - Captain Flyndan Whiteford.”
    The man who sat in a chair opposite Raoul nodded curtly. He was stocky and fair skinned, his red-brown hair cropped short on the sides and left tightly curled on top. His brown eyes were set under thin brows, over a small nose and small lips. His voice, a light baritone, carried a hint of a northern burr, all but erased by years with the King’s Own.
    “This isn’t a menagerie,” Flyndan objected as Jump and the birds explored the study.
    “The sparrows carry their own weight, Flyn,” said Raoul. “Or did you forget, they led us to the spidren nest?” He reached down to pet Jump. “Her gelding’s a piece of work, too.” To Kel he said, “I’m glad you stopped by. I forgot to see to your kit. Do you have an hour? I know you’ll want to sup with your friends, but we should handle some things while we can.”
    Kel nodded.
    “We’ll see to personal armor tomorrow, but as you know, such things take time. Qasim will help you draw pieces to tide you over when we’re done talking,” Raoul explained. “Until you get your own weapons, use company issue. You need a sword and dagger, a small axe, a shield. That’s a company shield, Qasim - I’m having a proper Goldenlake shield made, but that takes a week. Kel, which are you better at, longbow or crossbow?”
    “Long, my lord,” Kel replied. “And I have a bow, sword, and dagger.”
    “Let Qasim review them,” Raoul said. “He may ask you to use ours for now.” He nodded to Qasim. “Standard field kit. Now, long weapons…” He gazed at Kel thoughtfully. “Lances are good for tournaments, giants, and ogres, but they’re unwieldy in a scramble. Most of us carry spears - “
    “A third use halberds,” Flyndan added.
    “I know you can use a spear,” Raoul continued, thinking aloud. “Have you tried a halberd?”
    Kel hesitated. Lord Wyldon had never let her use her favorite weapon, which was similar to a halberd. I won’t know if I don’t ask, she thought. “One moment, my lord?” she asked. At his nod she returned to her room.
    “She’s polite enough,” Kel heard Flyndan say.
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