
Soulmates Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Soulmates Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mindy Kincade
Tags: young adult fantasy romance
around the bedroom. The room was plain white and there was a big window on the opposite wall. There was a small closet with a few wire hangers left inside. Presley reached up on the closet shelf and felt something. She picked it up and saw that it was a small brown barrette. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized she must be standing in Paulette’s bedroom. Presley had a very strange feeling, and began to panic a bit.
    “This girl that I never knew, she’s dead , and I’m standing in her bedroom, holding her barrette." And with that thought she opened the door, ran back into the living room, and out the front door tripping over her guitar. She hastily picked it up from the porch and ran down the dirt road, the crow following behind her. She saw the clothesline, the one that Paulette’s mother must have been using so many years ago. Presley was walking the same road that Paulette walked that sunny May day, the day she had disappeared. The road hadn’t changed much. Just a dirt road. Now more like a mud road from the rain. If Presley stayed on the dirt path it would eventually merge into the gravel road that would take her back to her house. That is where Presley intended to go, back to her house, until she noticed a path to the right of the dirt road that she hadn’t noticed on her way to the Shepards’ house. Pausing to catch her breath, she examined the pathway more closely. This path intrigued her and she wondered where it led. She stood at the path, deliberating whether or not she should go down it or head back to her house. She reached into her pocket and felt the barrette.
    What happened to you, Paulette? Presley wondered. She took a right and started down the dirt path, possibly the same path Paulette had taken on her last day.

    Chapter Three
    Presley wandered down the path until she came upon a wide creek. The creek rushed with overflowing water from the recent rain. She sat down near the creek on a rock and leaned her guitar against a nearby tree and her song book beside it. Presley shut her eyes and for a moment the world was quiet and peaceful. She dreaded the thought of returning to her perplexing life. She felt as confused and unsure as she had the night before. She wondered why she still had feelings for Tyler when he was admittedly unfaithful. She wondered why her life was such a mess. She felt as if she had never truly been loved by anyone. She wanted to be loved and she wanted Tyler to be the one who loved her.
    Presley opened her eyes and watched the fast waters run over the creek rocks. She noticed a large dip in the middle of the stream and walked over to get a better look. As she peered into the water she noticed a strange whirlpool which grew larger as she got closer. Puzzled, Presley leaned down to touch it, and as she did she felt a tremendous amount of pressure against her body. Suddenly, she was being pulled, sucked into a tunnel filled with bright mixtures of vivid colors. The colors flashed by her one after another, zooming past her head until she finally blacked out.
    Presley awoke with a horrible headache, “Ow, ow!” Presley screamed while holding her head. “My head -what happened?”
    She briefly wondered if she had been beaten or attacked. She struggled to stand and felt her head for blood. As her eyes began to focus, she was instantly overcome with beauty. Strange wonderful colors surrounded her. The land was covered with a gorgeous blanket of bright flowers for as far as she could see. Confused, she began walking. As she walked, the flowers began to turn different colors. Each flower was supported by a long skinny stem that resembled a neck. They twisted and turned, following Presley as if she were the sun. She watched in astonishment, as they turned into the most magnificent shades of color. Each part of the flower slowly turned deep orange to bright yellow, while other parts turned light shades of purple. The flowers began to sway as if they
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