Soul Blaze

Soul Blaze Read Online Free PDF

Book: Soul Blaze Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aprille Legacy
had yet to speak again. “Otherwise her subconscious
will fight us.”
    “Don’t you understand it yet?” Jettais, the man who’d
pulled me through the mirror, snapped. “If they were after
her as well, that means she is –”
    “It means nothing,” the older man finally spoke again,
though this time his voice was filled with cold anger. “It
only means they suspect the same as us. It proves
    “And how long until she accidentally kills you?” Jettais
replied dangerously. “If she is who you suspect, and you
try to do this, she could kill you.”
“It is a risk,” the older woman admitted. “One we have
    “Here’s hoping,” Jettais snarled. “Who are you two to
decide this? No, you know what, I’m done with you. I’m
done sitting back and watching you both rule as you see
    “Tread lightly, Jettais,” the older male voice warned,
and I felt goose pimples rise on my arms. “It would not be
wise to cross us.”
“Cross this,” I heard Jettais spit back. There was a loud
crack and suddenly the air was filled with heat and smoke.
    Someone swore, the old woman I think. My head
thudded but I still lay immobile on the floor, unable to
open my eyes. Suddenly, I realised that someone was very
close to me.
“I’ll be back for you, my daughter.” I felt Jettais press a
kiss to my forehead. Then he was gone.
The fire was closing in. I felt immeasurable heat start to
press on my legs.
This is it, I thought hopelessly. I die paralysed on a
With that morbid thought, I sank into the darkness yet
    When I awoke, I was kneeling. I blinked sleepily, my
eyes clearing, and I could make out the familiar pattern of
my pyjamas, cartoon cows on pink material. I moved
slightly, and noticed a heavy weight around my right
wrist. My left arm also had the same weight attached,
keeping away from my splint. As I lifted my head, I
realised I also had on a heavy metal collar.
    I looked around as much as I could. I was in a dingy
cell, facing a wall of metal bars, through which I could see
the bottom landing of some stairs. The only light available
was being issued from torches in heavy brackets on the
walls. My hair hung around my face in greasy tresses.
How long had I been unconscious? And where was I?
    As though answering my question, I heard someone
start down the stairs. A short woman with pure white hair
piled on her head came into view, looking all the word
like someone’s kind grandmother if not for the scowl on
her face and the burns on her robe.
    “Good. You’re awake.” I shuddered as I recognised her
voice. “You’ve given us a lot of grief, Sky. But that’ll be
over soon.”
    “Who the hell are you?” I asked quietly. I decided it
was best not to swear at her, though I was sorely tempted.
“What are you going to do with me?”
She eyed me off.
    “I suppose it doesn’t hurt to tell you considering it
won’t matter soon. I’m going to take your magic. Again. I
don’t know how you regained it, but it doesn’t matter
either way.”
    “So what? You’re going to kill me in the process?” I
decided to skip over all the ‘magic’ crap, considering she
was obviously insane anyway.
    “It’s a dangerous process,” she said, standing outside of
my cell, her hands clasped in front of her. “I’ve never had
to take it twice.”
I swore all of the worst words I knew at her, venting
some of my frustration and terror.
“Charming,” she said when I paused for breath. “Now,
shall we begin?”
She opened the cell.
    “Don’t come near me,” I said quietly. I could feel the
fire in my veins beginning to burn. My fear was activating
it. “Don’t even try to touch me.”
“Hold still,” she said, ignoring me. She held her hand
up and I saw something begin to gleam on her palm.
    Power surged through me. I immediately flung my
hand out to protect myself, the chain links tearing from
the floor like paper. The power that
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