Son of Sun (Forgotten Gods (Book 2))

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Book: Son of Sun (Forgotten Gods (Book 2)) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rosemary Clair
wake me up,” I said moving my bag so she had room.
    “You were totally knocked out. I don’t think a fire alarm would’ve woken you this morning,” Mattie laughed as she sniffed her under arm. “Sorry, I didn’t have time to shower.”
    “Where is the professor anyway?” Sam asked rhetorically, looking at her watch and back to the clock on the wall. Class officially started ten minutes ago.
    “Hey guys! Listen up!” Bespeckled Elliot made his way to the front of the lecture hall, whistling between his fingers to get everyone’s attention. “I say we use the fifteen minute rule. According to my watch, if the teacher doesn’t show up in five minutes we can leave and not get counted absent. You with me?” He asked, grinning confidently at the crowd. No way would anyone disagree with leaving an 8am class.
    “So,” he clapped his hands together and rubbed them excitedly. “What should we do to pass the time?” He looked eagerly at his audience, waiting for someone to come up with an idea. Unfortunately, everyone’s brains were turning slowly so early in the morning.
    I had turned back to Sam’s magazine, trying to forget what she had just told me about Meghan, when I heard her voice.
    “Faye, did you put some sort of sleeping spell on Ms. Garcia?” Meghan mocked me as she turned to face us. The girls on either side of her burst into laughter and high-fived each other.
    My face flamed red, but I kept it buried in the magazine.
    “Why don’t you shut up Meghan? Spreading rumors like that only makes you look stupid!” Sam barked from the seat beside me with the ferocity of a pitbull.
    Dread washed from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, and I groaned inwardly, knowing this wasn’t going to end well. From behind the magazine, I peeked at the clock hanging on the wall between two huge windows.
    “Why don’t you mind your own business, Sam? Or do you have a hard time staying out of everyone else’s lives like your father?” Meghan had turned around in her seat to face us, and every eye in the room volleyed back and forth between the two, more than happy to watch a cat fight to fill the remaining minutes.
    “Oh please, Meghan. Don’t act like you don’t devour every word he prints.” Sam stood from her chair, peering down the slope of stadium seats to where Meghan and her minions sat. From the corner of my eye, I watched her hand ball to a fist at her side.
    “Yeah, just to read the latest gossip about Faye. That is the only reason you’re friends with her, right? To get the dirt for Daddy?” Meghan laughed in Sam’s face as she spoke.
    “No, I’m friends with her because she isn’t a stuck up snob like you.” Sam lurched forward, only to be stopped by Mattie’ strong arms.
    “Oh, poor baby, is that the real reason why you left Whitney after ninth grade? Couldn’t hang with the big girls?” Meghan’s voice was mockingly whiny and pitiful, enough to make me want to fly at her and rip every strand of hair from her head. But I couldn’t. If I opened my mouth and got into the middle of this there was no telling what might come out. I couldn’t say anything. I just had to sit there like a pathetic bump on a log and listen to it all or risk exposing myself for what I really was.
    When a voice frozen with icy contempt interrupted their verbal sparing, I startled behind my magazine.
    “No Meghan, she probably got tired of looking at the nasty somebody farted look that’s taken up permanent residence on your face.” Behind my magazine I snorted in shock, and looked up into Mattie’s unflinching gaze. Meghan momentarily recoiled and washed the evil, omnipresent smirk from her face.
    “Stay out of this, Mattie. I didn’t ask you.” Meghan shook her head and narrowed her eyes.
    “Like I care what you ask.” Mattie stepped in front of Sam and me, making her way down the aisle toward Meghan’s group. “Sam’s my friend, and so is Faye. If you’ve got a problem with them, I’ve got
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