taking a less-than-subtle survey of Emmaline’s bare limbs and her curved backside. In Hubert’s eyes glowed the same avarice that went with all of his presumptions when it came to the Sedgwick barony.
Hubert was, after all, the next in line and liked to remindeveryone of that fact often enough. His cheekiness had been one of the many reasons Alex had concocted a wife, if only to keep his relation from becoming too comfortable in his tenuous position as heir apparent.
But with Hubert’s eyes raking over Emmaline, Alex felt a new fury. It wasn’t like the lady was indeed his wife, but Hubert didn’t know that.
Dropping Emmaline to the ground, he hastily shoved her behind him. Hopefully, well out of sight.
“Cousin,” Hubert began. “We didn’t know…that is, we would never have intruded…that is—”
From behind Alex, Emmaline piped up. “Oh, Cousin Hubert, I told you before that dear Sedgwick wouldn’t mind if you and Lady Lilith stayed with me. Family is, after all, family. Isn’t that right, my love?” She placed her hand on Alex’s shoulder, a gesture that sent a message of marital intimacy he didn’t need right now.
Especially with her lithesome figure pressed up against him. If she thought her charms and curves were going to save her, she was wrong. Very wrong.
Just the same, he put a bit of distance between them.
“How was the opera, cousins?” Emmaline asked. “I was so distraught to turn down your kind invitation.”
Cousins? he thought as he shot a glance at her. Just how long had the Denfords been in residence?
“You might have made it tolerable,” Hubert told her. “Always nice to have someone along, eh, Lilith? For I don’t understand most of that caterwauling and—”
Lady Lilith wasn’t so toadyish. She came straight to the point. “Sedgwick, you aren’t supposed to be here.”
“No, I’m not,” he said. “However, some new business brought me back unexpectedly.”
Hubert’s eyes flickered with interest. “New business? Mind sharing it with me, eh, Sedgwick? Always looking for the right opportunity.”
To climb upon my back and suppose a station you are utterly unfit to assume, was the response Alex bit back.
Instead, he replied, “Nothing that I fear is likely to bear any profit.” For this, he received a very unfeminine nudge in his back. He stumbled forward and Emmaline just shrugged at his cousins, as if she hadn’t a clue as to her husband’s discomfort.
Hubert’s bushy brows knit together, suspicious and intent, and Alex knew his cousin would only strive harder now to insinuate his way into this mysterious prospect. His best hope was to find some bone of an opportunity to toss out and send the fellow off in the wrong direction.
While at the same time keeping him as far away from Emmaline as possible.
After a few more moments of awkward silence, Lady Lilith took charge. “I fear we are intruding, and we shall leave you two to…to…”
“A little midnight supper,” Emmaline offered. “Sedgwick arrived just famished. ”
The way she said the word in long purring tones made it sound like the sustenance her husband was seeking would not be found in the kitchen.
“Then we should let you get to your…your meal,” Hubert offered as he took his wife by the arm.
Lady Lilith shot another scathing glance at the pair of them, drawing her skirt close as she passed by. The daughter of an impoverished earl, Lady Lilith had the haughty reserve of a duchess. And worse yet, the ability to gossip like a fishwife.
Alex closed his eyes. Now the entire family would not only think of this woman as his wife, as his Emmaline, but would hear the tales of their supposed lascivious practices.
In the very foyer, mind you, he could hear Lady Lilith saying in a scandalized voice. In front of the servants, no less.
“Will we see you for breakfast?” Emmaline called after them merrily.
“I think,” Hubert said, chuckling with boorish tones, “the better question