Someone Like You

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Book: Someone Like You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joanne McClean
all bat-shit crazy on me.
    Oh, and my annoy-her-so-much-that-she-leaves plan has been foiled too. Nevertheless, I’m still going to try. Operation Party Central is officially on.
    The gir l has been nothing but a major pain-in-the-ass from the moment I met her! Sure, she’s a very, very cute pain-in-the-ass – in a nerdy kind of way – but she’s still a pain-in-the-ass all the same.
    That’s why I’m not going to give up. I’m going to fight until I get my own way. In the end, I always do.
    The crux of the matter is … the girl has got to go.
    One way or the other, she’s going to leave. Especially now that I have Carter helping me.
    However, first things first, I need to give this place a tidy up if I’m going to have people over again tonight – especially Veronica.
    I grab a few bin bags and half-heartedly clear away some beer cans and rubbish.
    All in all, it doesn’t look too bad. Sure, it’s not up to Miss Nerd’s standards but it will do … at least you can sit on the couch now.
    Satisfied with my super cleaning skills, I grab my phone and pull up Veronica’s number.
    Little Miss Nerd had better get ready for another party because there is no way in hell that I am going to leave her in peace.
    Right now, the game is on … and I am determined to win.
    I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.
    It’s now eleven-thirty and the flat is full of drunken idiots yet again.
    I lie on my bed, feeling the vibrations of the music that is blaring and will myself not to cry.
    I won’t let him get to me. I’m not going to cry again.
    Heaving a sigh, I leave my room and bump into Anson.
    He embraces me into a hug and plants a kiss on my cheek.
    “Wise Girl! We meet again!”
    I nod. “Yeah, my flatmate just can’t stop being an asshole!”
    He chuckles and takes a sip of his drink. “Aw, you poor darlin’! The guy may be a dick sometimes but he sure knows how to throw one hell of a party!”
    “Really?” I quip sarcastically. “I hadn’t noticed! Although, the bags under my eyes would tell you different.”
    Anson throws me a sympathetic look. “Nonsense! You still look fabulous to me darlin’!”
    I throw him a small grin. “Yeah, well I must be doing something right. I’ve got a date tomorrow night!”
    Anson claps his hands in glee. “Ooh! Can I please help you pick something to wear? I totally thrive on stuff like that.”
    I eye him in alarm but find myself nodding.
    Hey, who am I to rain on his parade?
    “Sure, why not?”
    Anson grins and slings his arm through mine. “Oh goody! But we’re gonna have to hit the shops first … because no offence, you need to wear something other than jeans and over-sized shirts. You’re eighteen darlin’ not a middle-aged mother of three. Baggy shirts are a major no-no – unless you’ve just borrowed it from your boyfriend after a night of doing the nasty – then it’s okay.”
    “Please stop!” I beg, my hands over my ears. “Way too much info!”
    Anson throws his head back and laughs. “I’m just teasing darlin’. Over-sized shirts are never acceptable.” he adds seriously.
    I shake my head in amusement and steer him back to my room.
    “Well, can’t we see if I have anything suitable to wear before you go all Extreme Makeover on me?”
    Anson rolls his eyes. “I doubt it darlin’ … but I’ll take a look.”
    I flop down onto the bed as he flings open my wardrobe doors.
    “ Darlin’, I’ve heard all about fifty shades of grey but I never knew there were fifty shades of denim!” he exclaims, eyeing me disapprovingly.
    “What?” I say innocently.
    “The shirts! It’s like the 80s threw up in here! Please tell me you don’t have anything with shoulder pads!” he says dramatically before flinging them all in a heap on the floor.
    I frown at him. “Hey! I like those shirts!”
    An son whips around, eyeballing the checked shirt I’m wearing with distaste. “Clearly.”
    “Look, shouldn’t you
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