Someone Like You

Someone Like You Read Online Free PDF

Book: Someone Like You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joanne McClean
would be a hell yeah!”
    I throw him an evil grin. “Okay then, I’ll see you later.” I stand up and leave the café, wondering how long it is before Nerd Girl cracks.
    My God, can’t this day be over already?
    It’s not that I don’t like my Creative Writing class but I’m just so tired.
    I’m so exhausted that I want to cry. I have had about five hours sleep in the past forty-eight hours and I’m severely pissed off.
    I just want to go home to the flat and sleep for a week.
    I just hope that Priestly takes a break from Party Central tonight.
    I glance at my watch – 4.20pm.
    Good, ten minutes and I’m finally free.
    Nixon nudges me. “You okay?”
    I nod. “Just so damn tired.” I whisper.
    He laughs. “ You can sleep over at mine if you want.”
    He wiggles his eyebrows sugge stively and I bite back a laugh as a blush creeps onto my cheeks.
    I’ve never been used to guys being so forward with me. It actually kind of scares me since I’m so clueless when it comes to flirting.
    I throw him a shy smile. “No, I’m good thanks.”
    Nixon lets out a low chuckle. “No worries. The offer’s there if you change your mind.”
    “Er thanks.” I say quickly, keen to change the subject.
    Suddenly, he looks thoughtful for a moment. “Seriously though, do you want to go on a proper date sometime?”
    I am so taken aback that I just stare at him.
    Oh my God! I have just been asked on an actual date by an actual guy!
    What do I do? What do I do?
    Still trying to wrap my head around this fact, I merely nod at him.
    “Great! ” he exclaims. “How about tomorrow night? It’s Friday and it’ll give you the entire weekend to catch up on some sleep.”
    I let out a low chuckle. “Sounds great. It’s a date.”
    He grins and I find myself feeling excited … and a little bit nauseous. But that’s totally normal, right?
    Anyway, I shouldn’t worry because Nixon is totally cute and I really think this date could go very well.
    With that happy thought, I manage to pay attention to the lecturer for the last five minutes.
    After the class is finally dismissed, I wave Nixon goodbye and set off for the flat.
    My mood has totally turned around now that I have a date this weekend.
    Yes, it’s totally dorky to get all excited about a date but it’s my first one – I’m entitled to act all girly and mushy … and feel slightly sick.
    Still grinning like a loon, I let myself into the flat and feel the grin sliding from my face.
    I am so going to kill him.
    Priestly hasn’t touched a thing in the pigsty that is now our flat. I had foolishly thought that he would clean up while I was gone but I was sadly mistaken.
    I find him cracking open a beer in the kitchen.
    Jeez , doesn’t the guy know the dangers of alcohol poisoning?
    “What the hell?” I yell as he turns to look at me.
    He smirks and takes a sip of his beer. “What?”
    “Um, hello? The flat is a mess!”
    I stare at him, wondering what is going on in that head of his. I also notice that he’s looking particularly good today but I try not to focus on that fact.
    Besides, I’m too mad to find him attractive right now. He may be hot but at this very minute, he is nothing but an asshole … a very, very hot asshole but an asshole nonetheless.
    “Two points to the Nerd Girl.” he quips drily.
    I grunt in frustration. “Look, I know what you’re trying to do but it’s not going to work. You don’t like me and I certainly don’t like you but neither one of us can do anything about it. So, deal with it. You don’t bug me and I won’t bug you. Okay? Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to bed. I am too tried to deal with this crap. You can clean this mess up yourself, I’m going to my room.”
    I then storm to my room, leaving him to it.
    Holy shit! That Temperance chick can be quite feisty when she’s mad.
    Fuck. I knew the state of the flat would piss her off but I didn’t expect her to go
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