Solid: 2 1/2 (Twin Duo Book 3)

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Book: Solid: 2 1/2 (Twin Duo Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jettie Woodruff
patio with the broom. Stupid pine needles. A few short months ago I would have given anything to remember, and now I would give my right arm to keep from it.
    By the time I did my wifely duties around the house, it was time to meet Mi for gyros and Hawaiian punch. I don’t know why the freaky combination. Sure she had a good reason, I avoided asking.
    Mi was already seated at a little bistro table, waiting for me when I arrived, arm waving me her way while a bright white smile planted across her face. God, I loved that girl.
    “Hey, I already ordered for us, you look amazing. Are you using new makeup or something? Ugh. I hate girls like you,” Mi complained as I sat across from her, wearing my own smile.
    I sipped refreshing punch from a styrofoam cup while frowning her way. “You’re a dork. I’ve been cleaning house all day. I’m not even wearing makeup.” I wasn’t. I didn’t even change clothes.
    “Hmm,” she hummed like she was amazed or something. Weird.
    “Hey, before I forget, Rowan drew this for you. I was supposed to give it to you Saturday.”
    Mi took the picture and turned it in all directions, head tilting to the side, and eyes narrowed as she tried like hell to figure it out.
    I did the same thing when she gave it to me, only I’d learned a long time ago how to fake it, pretend like I knew what it was. I laughed, confessing the exact same reaction. “I couldn’t figure it out either.”
    Mi laid the sheet of art paper on the table and looked from me to the paper. “No, I get it. It’s amazing. She’s only six, right? Did she learn this somewhere? I mean the abstracts and colors, the way she blended the sun into the water without a trace. I mean, there isn’t even a beginning and end. It’s like the sun is the sea, and the sea is the sun.”
    I swallowed another drink, half choking on it with a frown. We both moved our arms for our order and nodded to the waiter. “What the hell are you talking about?”
    “Gabby, turn around. Hurry.”
    My eyes narrowed and I turned to see our young waiter’s ass bent over, two tables down. I looked, shaking my head at her maturity, but agreed. Those jeans looked really, really good on him. “You’re horrible.”
    Mi bit into her gyro before talking, speaking around the food in her mouth. “No, seriously. This kid has talent. You should see if she’s interested in pursuing it.”
    “You really think so? I mean it’s not crazy to me at all. Rowan is effortlessly good at everything. She loves ballet and she’s so, I don’t even know what word to use to describe her. Like elegant, graceful,” I said as I recalled how she closed her little eyes and focused on the music, moving delicately, like a feather. And then I laughed. “Ophelia on the other hand, she barely made it through the three-day trial. She is way too clumsy for ballet, but she dribbles the basketball for hours. She’s definitely my little tomboy.”
    Mi and I talked about the kids for a little while longer and then I told her about Tricia and Brant’s house.
    “I would love that, but we’re not staying here. Nick’s uncle just opened up a new office close to his family. He wants to buy there. Connecticut.”
    I choked down the bite that had lodged in my throat, beating myself in the chest with bug eyes. “You’re not leaving here. No way. I refuse. Nick will just have to go without you.”
    “You can come and visit. Nick’s grandpa breeds racing horses. The kids would love it there. And Christmas. Oh, my God, Gabby. These people do Christmas.”
    That news devastated me. What in the world would I do without Mi? “Fuck Christmas. You’re not going.”
    Mi smiled, tilting her head to the side. “I can still talk to you every day.”
    “No. Ugh, Mi. This sucks. What about your job?”
    “They have babies in Connecticut, too.”
    “I hate you. When?”
    “Nick wants to be there by Christmas, but we’ll see.”
    “Three months?”
    “Closer to four.”
    “This isn’t
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