Snow Angel

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Book: Snow Angel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jamie Carie
in August. Those steamers are probably locked in the ice right now. It’s a cold way to spend the winter. Good thing you waited. So you left Sitka?”
    Elizabeth clasped her hand into a fist. “Yes, but I was still determined to find an expedition to join. Still am determined.When I arrived in Juneau I asked around and was told that a man lives up here who might be able to help me. Unless there is another cabin on this side of the mountain, I believe they were talking about you.”
    â€œMe? I have no intention of going to the Klondike. Most people who know me know what I think of panning for gold.”
    Elizabeth felt the final threads of her hope snap. Why did nothing ever work out the easy way? “But a barkeep in Juneau said the man who lives on this mountain might take me, or know of a Tlingit guide who would.”
    â€œI have several friends among the Indians, and yes, a guide might be bought. But I would not be a part of sending a woman into the treachery of the Alaskan interior during the winter. I don’t think you understand this land, miss. In my opinion, those trails are no place for a woman, and that’s during the good months.”
    â€œMr. Wesley, you have no idea how determined I am.”
    Noah gave her that disarming half-smile. “If your trek up to my cabin in the middle of a blizzard is any indication, I’d say I have an idea, Elizabeth.”
    Despite her anger, she felt a sudden and unexpected melting inside at the way his deep voice spoke her name. Her next words came out softer than she intended. “When I started out, there wasn’t a cloud in sight. I may be a woman, sir, but I’m no fool.”
    â€œGlad to hear that.” Noah frowned. “But refusing to wait for spring thaw would be a dangerous mistake, fatal even. Everyone else is stuck down here, what’s your hurry?”
    A hundred answers rose to her lips, but she swallowed them all … except, “I want my share of that gold.”
    Noah looked into her eyes, and she knew he was searching for something deeper than her words. This man wanted the truth—all of it—and that was something she just couldn’t give him. Inwardly she felt the fire of a fight spark, and she knew it blazed from her deep brown eyes. Looking defiantly at him she made her challenge, but something strange happened. Instead of feeding her anger she noticed his eyes, noticed how blue they were … and clear of anything except concern and calm. A sudden feeling of connection with him startled her, causing her to rear back on the sofa and cross her arms over her chest. His voice was low and reassuring, and she felt it all the way to her toes as he spoke.
    â€œGold will still be there in the spring. And then you’ll have no trouble finding a party to join up with. For now, though, you need to rest.”
    He rose, so tall she thought it a wonder his head didn’t brush the golden wood of the ceiling. Gently, he took her plate from her.
    â€œGo back to sleep, Elizabeth. You’re safe now. We’ll have plenty of time to talk later.”
    Stunned, she did as he asked.
    * * *
    September 17, 1881
    Dear Mrs. Rhodes,

    I have received your letter and may I congratulate you on your recent marriage. After many months of inquiries I had nearly given up hope, but I am thrilled to report that I have tracked down a housemaid named Mary who was recently let go from your father’s employ. Upon questioning the woman, who was quite afraid to speak to me, she admitted to hearing that Elizabeth was taken to an orphanage in the state of New York.
    I immediately began correspondence with the orphanages in our state and have recently received a reply from a teacher at the New York Orphan Asylum asking for more information. I promptly wrote her of our situation and am awaiting her reply. My instincts say we are very close, ma’am. I shall write immediately upon discovering any further leads and
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