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Book: Snitch Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kat Kirst
with the rest of the team pulled in, snagging a piece of the table or just settling to sit behind us and stick their heads in for conversation. Of course, a few of the finest ladies from the cheerleading squad graced us with their presence. Tammera was chatting with Johnny, and Chrissy was, as always, trying to get Charlie’s attention. I loved lunch.
    “Move over , boys!” Seth announced , throwing something that resembled pizza onto the table. He opened his chocolate milk and downed it in one long swig. “We have the matter of payback to discuss.”
    The boys leaned in.
    “Somebody told, and somebody’s gonna pay.”
    I let out a chuckle , hoping it didn’t sound nervous.
    “This is your first day back, Seth. Don’t you think you should be more careful here?” Eying our table crowd, it was easy to see some unnecessary ears were becoming interested in what we were saying.
    Seth stopped chewing. “True. But right now, what I really need is information.” He elbowed Johnny, stood up , and announced to the crowd. “I’m getting something else to drink. Anybody need anything?”
    “Get me a water ,” Tammera yelled.
    “Give me a buck,” Seth countered, knowing she didn’t have one.
    Johnny waited for Seth’s exit before addressing the crowd, almost on cue. “So, who do you hear snitched on Seth?”
    “Could be anybody,” Charlie said.
    “Anybody stupid,” someone agreed.
    “Who in our class would tell?” Chrissy asked. “I mean, it would have to be some perfect, all - A suck-up who obviously doesn’t have a life outside of school.”
    “Yeah, somebody who didn’t appreciate our humor,” Johnny said, winking at Chrissy .
    “Somebody who really likes math,” Wes reasoned, shaking his head.
    “Somebody who needs their butt kicked,” Charlie said, meaning it. Chrissy giggled.
    “We gotta find out who ,” Johnny said, leaning into the table. “Getting Seth in trouble wasn’t cool.”
    The crowd around the table agreed with Johnny, nodding while sneaking looks around the cafeteria for possible suspects.
    This was weird. Why was Johnny getting so involved in Seth’s business? It was almost as if Seth had planned to leave so Johnny could carry out his orders or something.
    I could only wonder where all this was going, but even if Johnny wanted to get involved, I didn’t. We had been wrong, and payback was one “ bridge ” I wasn’t going to jump off. I got up from the table.
    “Where are you going?” Johnny asked, batting my arm.
    “Bathroom,” I lied. I was going to make my escape and hope the whole payback thing went away.
    But Johnny put a damper on that. “Hurry back. We got plans to make.”
    I escaped, passing a table I hoped no one had pegged. Liz chewed her sandwich while patiently showing Kate how to do some math. She wore a pretty burgundy top and a piece of her soft red hair, which was brushed out long and silky, fell against her paper. Liz , lifting her hand to push it back , surprised me by looking up so I smiled at her. Her green eyes did what they always did to let me know how much she hated me.
    The rest of the week sucked about as much as the first part. Besides having no social life, my grade in math was so low after my botched quiz, I was going to have to work doubly hard to bring it up by next progress report time or I wouldn’t be able to play basketball. In science I was going to be assigned a partner for our next project instead of being able to pick my own, and at practice I turned my ankle trying to go one on one with Wes. It was too swollen to walk on, so that meant I would probably be sitting Thursday’s game out.
    Seth bragged he was back in the game because his father visited the superintendent and made a big enough fuss, so our team was still a threat. Even though we ended up winning the game Thursday night, I wasn’t sure whether to be happy or not. I mean, having your team win is great , but having it win without the benefit of your skills doesn’t
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