Sleeping with the Dictionary

Sleeping with the Dictionary Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sleeping with the Dictionary Read Online Free PDF
Author: Harryette Mullen
Wonder Bras, blond Wonder Bras grow on Walt’s hornytoad. I have seen roadkill damaged, riddled and wintergreen, but no such roadkill see I in Walt’s checkbook. And in some purchases there is more deliberation than in the bargains that my Mickey Mouse redeems. I love to herd Walt’s sheep, yet well I know that muskrats have a far more platonic sonogram. I grant I never saw a googolplex groan. My Mickey Mouse, when Walt waddles, trips on garbanzos. And yet, by halogen-light, I think my loneliness as reckless as any souvenir bought with free coupons.

Way Opposite
after Richard Wilbur
    The opposite of walk?
    A psychic with a crystal ball
    and tarot deck
    who sees green
    when your palm is read.
    At the sign of a red palm
    I don’t walk,
    I run.

We Are Not Responsible
    We are not responsible for your lost or stolen relatives. We cannot guarantee your safety if you disobey our instructions. We do not endorse the causes or claims of people begging for handouts. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Your ticket does not guarantee that we will honor your reservations. In order to facilitate our procedures, please limit your carrying on. Before taking off, please extinguish all smoldering resentments. If you cannot understand English, you will be moved out of the way. In the event of a loss, you’d better look out for yourself. Your insurance was cancelled because we can no longer handle your frightful claims. Our handlers lost your luggage and we are unable to find the key to your legal case. You were detained for interrogation because you fit the profile. You are not presumed to be innocent if the police have reason to suspect you are carrying a concealed wallet. It’s not our fault you were born wearing a gang color. It is not our obligation to inform you of your rights. Step aside, please, while our officer inspects your bad attitude. You have no rights that we are bound to respect. Please remain calm, or we can’t be held responsible for what happens to you.

Why You and I
    Who knows why you and I fell off the roster?
    Who can figure why you and I never passed muster
on our way out yonder?
    Does anyone wonder why you and I lacked
the presence of minding our blunders?
    Can anyone see why you and I, no longer intact,
pulled a disappearing act and left with scratch? Our secret pact
required that you and I forget why and where
we lost our place when we went off the books.
    Could anyone guess, does anyone know or even care
why you and I can’t be found, as hard as we look?
    Who’ll spell out for us, if we exist,
why you and I missed our turn on the list?
    who can stand to reason why you and I let
our union dissolve to strike the orderly alphabet?

Wino Rhino
    For no specific reason I have become one of the city’s unicorns. No rare species, but one in range of danger. No mythical animal, but a common creature of urban legend. No potent stallion woven into poetry and song. Just the tough horny beast you may observe, roaming at large in our habitat. I’m known to adventurers whose drive-by safari is this circumscribed wilderness. Denatured photographers like to shoot me tipping the bottle, capture me snorting dust, mount on the wall my horn of empties that spilled the grape’s blood. My flesh crawls with itchy insects. My heart quivers as arrows on street maps target me for urban removal. You can see that my hair’s stiffened and my skin’s thick, but the bravest camera can’t document what my armor hides. How I know you so well. Why I know my own strength. Why, when I charge you with my rags, I won’t overturn your sporty jeep.

Wipe That Simile Off Your Aphasia
    as horses as for
    as purple as we go
    as heartbeat as if
    as silverware as it were
    as onion as I can
    as cherries as feared
    as combustion as want
    as dog collar as expected
    as oboes as anyone
    as umbrella as catch can
    as penmanship as it gets
    as narcosis as could be
    as hit parade as all that
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