Skye’s Limits

Skye’s Limits Read Online Free PDF

Book: Skye’s Limits Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stephani Hecht
Tags: Gay, Paranormal, Erotic Romance, glbt, shapeshifter
case scenarios. But he had no choice. He had to go, duty called.
    “That’s me. I need to go,” he told Skye.
    “Go ahead. I’ll be fine on my own,” Skye assured him.
    “Practice on the obstacle course while I’m gone,” Alden ordered.
    Skye nodded. Alden figured that ought to keep the brat busy. The obstacle course was so hard and demanding that it would make an American Ninja Warrior contestant weep in fear. Even most of the seasoned feline soldiers had trouble finishing it. Skye would no doubt spend most of the time picking himself off the ground.
    Alden got to the van and met the rest of his group. Vapor, Logan, Andrew, and a handful of other guys. Usually, they would be leading other groups, but as part of the Cheetah group, they were a new elite unit that had been formed for when situations were at the worst and needed a heavy hand.
    “What do we have?” Alden asked as he hopped inside.
    “It would seem that a group of Ravens have attacked another group of feline homes,” Andrew said.
    While Andrew may look on the small side, looks could be deceiving. He was the best fighter out there. Not only was he a master at weapons, but he could get in and out of any situation faster than anybody. The guy was like a shadow sometimes.
    Vapor, who got his name for being much the same way and also happened to be Andrew’s mate, said, “Why these civilians keep insisting on living in clusters is beyond me. They have to know that they are making themselves a great big target to the Ravens.”
    Andrew shrugged. “Maybe they just like living close to their family.”
    Andrew was Mitchell’s younger brother. The whole Jaguar family and their mates lived in one big living quarter in the back of HQ. Vapor turned to his mate and rubbed him on the back, knowing he’d touched a nerve.
    “Yeah, but they don’t have the safety of living where we do. They’re on the outside where it’s more dangerous and open to attack. They need to think of that.”
    Silently, Alden agreed with Vapor. While it might be hard to live away from one’s family, they had to think of safety first. Living in one cluster was just an open invite for the Ravens to attack.
    The van raced to the location, making the men in the back bounce around. Alden winced, he was going to have some interesting bruises on his ass, that was for sure. He would have yelled at the driver had the situation not been so dire.
    He smelled the smoke even before they reached the location. He leaned forward to look out the window and saw the smoke billowing up. It was black ringed with gray and reached high up into the sky. The fact that no fire trucks were racing to the location showed that the locals already knew it was a shifter situation and were staying as far away as possible.
    They were the first team to arrive. That still didn’t stop them from jumping from the back of the van and getting right into the fray. It wasn’t like they were going to let something like being outnumbered a hundred to one stop them. They were too crazy for that.
    Logan let out a war cry as he lifted his machine gun and sprayed a line of fire into the air. Not to be outdone, Vapor lifted his and shot at a group of approaching Ravens who were in their human form.
    As always, the Ravens reminded Alden of a bunch of guys who had tried to go Goth and got it all wrong. With black hair, all dark clothes, and pale skin, they had soulless eyes that reminded Alden of onyx marbles. He didn’t get creeped out by much, but even he got the shivers at the sight of so many of them.
    Alden took down about half of the Raven’s with his shooting, but the rest kept going. He let out a curse as he wondered where in the hell the other teams were. Not only were they about to get their asses handed to them, but all hell was breaking loose.
    Half of the homes were on fire. The civilian felines were doing the best they could to defend themselves, but they weren’t trained soldiers. Already, Alden could see a couple
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