Skirt Lifted Vol. 1
it back and let loose.
    “Ouch! One.” Robin called out, through
clenched teeth.
    “Two!” howled Robin.
    “Ah!” the girl cried.
    “Robin I need a count or we’ll start
    “Three…” she replied breathless.
    “Four… must I really need to take
    “Your father’s rules, now keep in place.”
    Enthralled with the merciless thrashing that
Marcus dolled out Jason was ready to explode.
    “Can Jason do it?” Robin asked, sobbed.
    Considering, Marcus glanced over at the young
man.  “Well I think he sure wants to thrash something… no harm
in it I suppose.” He handed the cane to Jason, who took it and
tested it in the air almost robotically.
    “Go on, whip her!”
    “Oh, yeah right.” Jason hardly realized that
he held the cruel rod and tapped it on the round buttocks in front
of him. And then with a surprising vigor on his part Jason
slashed the cane across Robin’s butt which produced the loudest
yowl as of yet from the girl.
    “Five!” choked out Robin, now crying without
    “Six!” she buckled under the blows, thought
maybe she preferred Marcus thrashing her, since Jason was being
surprisingly thorough about it.  “Seven!” that caused her to
    Exploring with the rod, he chose his target,
Jason let fly the last four onto her most delicate parts. 
Completing the job the young man helped the sobbing girl stand,
held her in his arms.
    “I think I’ll leave you two to yourselves.”
Marcus said to the young couple as if he and Jason had not seconds
earlier been meting out corporal punishment.  “I can see you
two have a lot to talk about.”
    It was good that Marcus quickly went upto his
room, for it didn’t take very long for Robin to maul Jason. 
The older man could see easily tell where all this had been
leading, at least on Robin’s part.

Chapter 9. A Proper
    “Shoes off.” Ordered her stern uncle.
    Tanith Cofler sighed, knelt and began to
unbuckle her shoes. She really loathed that command, as it foretold
of impending doom for her curvaceous hindquarters. When done the
tall, shapely brunette hottie neatly placed her stylish black
L.A.M.B Flavia Heels beside a carved animal foot of an antique
wingback chair that sat near an upstairs stairwell.
    “Now go get the cane.”
    With a gulp Tanith went over to the wall
cupboard where Uncle Callum kept his long swishy yellow cane, a
crook handled, thin, fierce instrument which never failed to leave
a young woman's ass in a pure state of heated pain. 
    She should have known better than to have
brought a boy back to her room. It hadn't taken long for Tanith's
Mum to catch her last night. Stupid! Go drinking with the
girls after work, run into a cute guy and think she could get away
with bringing him back without getting noticed.
    Oh Mum noticed alright, and sent the boy away
right off. After which she had informed her wayward daughter that
she'd need to call up her uncle and arrange for herself a “Proper
Toe-Curling” as Mum called it. Not long after she'd been caught
almost in the act, shirtless and down to her pink bra Tanith had
been told to ring up her Mum's elder brother and tell him that she
would like to be caned. 
    Certainly she didn't want to be caned, but
these were the rules she and her widowed Mum had established. That
alone had humiliated the eighteen year-old girl, dialing up Uncle
Callum and saying: “Hey Unc, I need my ass thrashed. When
should I be over?”. He had of course responded that when she
completed her work for the day, tomorrow would be just
     At her office job she couldn't sit
still while answering the phones. Most of the day she fidgeted and
kept touching her not yet welted bottom, safe for the time being
underneath her banded skirt, wishing that it could stay that way.
At closing time Tanith had rushed off to the bus, lest she be late
to her Uncle Callum Laird's flat in London's center. Now here she
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