Skin Deep

Skin Deep Read Online Free PDF

Book: Skin Deep Read Online Free PDF
Author: Helen Libby
know sooner or later.
    She fixes me with a penetrating
stare. ‘Okay, missy, fill me in.’ She perches on a stool next to me.
    And so I tell Marie about my
having skin cancer, and then about leaving Will . We
don’t often share confidences, but I can’t help it today; it just spills out.
    Marie doesn’t flinch. ‘That’s a
lot to take in,’ she says slowly, ‘especially before 9am.’ She raises her
eyebrows and I look up at the clock. It’s still only 8.30am. I smile.
    ‘That’s better. And now I think
it’s time for a cuppa.’
    I feel a bit better. Marie
doesn’t say a lot – it’s not her style, but it’s good to talk to someone
    She pats my shoulder as she hands
me my tea. I’m surprised, as she isn’t usually a touchy feely person. ‘You’re
very brave, Gemma.’
    Brave? Me? I don’t think so. All
I can do is to follow my heart, skin cancer or not.
    I’ve mostly worked fourteen hour
days this week. We’re up to our necks with wedding orders. I haven’t seen all
that much of Kate this week, which is probably a good thing because she seems
to be more worried about the operation than I am! It’s been good to be so busy as it means I haven’t had any time to think. I feel
guilty about taking time off. It’s bad timing, but Marie’s going to employ a
temp., and I plan to return to work as soon as possible.
    Now it’s Sunday and
what a beautiful day it is. The brilliant blue sky remains unmarked by clouds.
There’s a light breeze which thankfully tempers the heat. I go to Loggerheads
and walk alongside the river, lost in my thoughts.
    I whirl round. It’s
Leo. ‘Hi,’ I say, desperately trying to remain calm on the outside at least.
    ‘Hi.’ He gazes at me.
‘How are you?’
thanks. You?’  
    ‘I’m good. Mind if I
walk with you?’
    ‘Feel free.’ That
sounded casual, didn’t it? I’m delighted to see Leo, to have him walk with me,
but I’ve only just broken up with Will and besides, Leo’s already been rejected
by me once. Will he take another chance on me? Do I want him to? Silly
    In silence - but it’s
a good silence if you know what I mean - we go as far as the Leete Path, then
turn back.
    Leo clears his
throat. ‘Would you like to go to The Rainbow for lunch?’ I pause. ‘Sorry, I bet
you’ve already made plans with your boyfriend.’
    I grasp the
opportunity: ‘Will and I broke up. I’ve moved out.’ I can’t look at Leo as I
say this.
    ‘When did that
over a week ago.’ I finally meet his eyes and feel myself melting into those
glowing depths.
    He’s looking at me
intently. ‘That must have been tough.’
    I nod, and make up my
mind; friends can do lunch can’t they? ‘I’d like to go for lunch.’
    He grins, and I beam
right back. There’s a sparkling connection between us. Oh God! I really, really
like him.
    We walk to the cosy
pub complete with exposed wooden beams and a slate floor, where we both choose
a roast beef dinner. As I eat, I wonder whether to tell Leo about the skin
cancer, but I’m reluctant for anything to spoil today. When we part, Leo says
that he hopes he’ll see me at Loggerheads again sometime. And it’s a perfect
way to leave things. If anything is going to happen between me and Leo, then we
can take it slowly. I don’t know when I’ll next see him, but I’m sure it won’t
be too long before I do, and I’m glad. It’s the one bright spot on what feels
like a dark canvas. I feel like my life has been split into two parts – before
and after the operation. I can’t wait to get to the other side.

Chapter Ten

    A dressing covers the part of my
leg where the wide local excision was carried out. Again it was done under
local anaesthetic. My leg feels tender, but the main thing is it’s over and I’m
back on the ward. I just hope that’s the end of it, but I’ll have to wait until
I have a check up to see if I’ve got the all clear.
    I doze, and each
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