Show No Fear: A Bouncer's Diary

Show No Fear: A Bouncer's Diary Read Online Free PDF

Book: Show No Fear: A Bouncer's Diary Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bill Carson
towards the main exit. The snatch squads had a busy night though intercepting drugs and the people who deal in them, when they were caught they were given very rough treatment and literally kicked out.
After 10 hours we collected our cash and set off towards the station.... and home.
I think we did that venue three or four times, I didn’t like the place, it had too many bad vibes and on one occasion a member of the Security team was stabbed to death on the premises whilst trying to apprehend a drug dealer. This can be a very dangerous profession; and many doormen have been killed in the line of duty. It’s a statistic that I feel will only sadly increase especially with today’s growing gun and knife culture, and the willingness to commit these murders with very little if any provocation. When they are caught they are awarded a sentence that rarely befits the crime and they will probably only serve two thirds of it. With their defence Lawyers bringing out the old chestnut “he had a deprived childhood” or something of a similar nature, that’s all bollocks as far as I’m concerned. These do gooders who argue this way I feel have a lot to answer for, I think they may feel a little different if it was one of their own on the receiving end of a sharp blade. What we need are strong laws in place that protect the “victims” and not the perpetrators. The other day it was reported in the newspaper that a young boy who was just out on an errand for his Mother was stabbed to death for a mobile phone. Words cannot express how I feel about such things. If I had my way I would reintroduce the death penalty for such crimes. The taking of someone’s life in a premeditated cold bloodied attack with a knife, that person has to pay the ultimate price, anything less than that and I feel that justice has not been served. Take away the knife and what are we left with? A pathetic coward. There’s no margin for error with a knife they are designed to kill. Unfortunately the reality is that these cold, sick [people] for want of a better description do exist and so we have to be ready to defend ourselves against them as best we can. If one of these types of individual’s pulls a knife on me; my response will be a relentless unmerciful, devastating beating. I don’t like people who carry knives. Ok I’ll put my soap box away now. After the stabbing incident at Bagley’s we set about acquiring bullet / stab proof vests and every knife self defence manual I could lay my hands on. We studied and practiced the techniques that seemed to be the most effective and uncomplicated and incorporated them into our training routine and we practiced them over and over until they became second nature.
One of the most important things that we discovered while researching the subject of knife defence was the seizing of the knife hand, and not to let go of it. Literally hang on for dear life. Running away is always a good idea… if you think you can.
I have given some thought to putting together a practical self-defence manual in the near future. Not like some that you see with the use of flamboyant kicks and complicated blocking routines, they would probably get you killed if you tried to use them against someone who had a knife. My idea is to write a manual that deals with the reality of what is required to subdue your attacker so you can make your escape and survive the ordeal.
I have worn a covert kevlar vest ever since that tragic fatal incident; they are not cheap but an obvious essential piece of kit. I advise anyone involved in this type of occupation to obtain one. Another piece of kit we used to bring was a groin guard for obvious reasons and a pair of good quality leather gloves is always a good idea. I had the ones that were knife proof, they were ordinary leather gloves but with kevlar inserts. We always wore boots as opposed to shoes; the reason being is that they don’t come off. Pete was going in to deal with a fight one night closely
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