Shotgun Bride

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Book: Shotgun Bride Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lauri Robinson
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
This here one knows how to read and write. She knows her numbers, and is a pretty little thing. You'll see once she wakes up."
    The top of his head felt as if it would explode. The young girl on the floor had to be a consequence to something his family had done. She was most likely nothing more than an innocent bystander. He turned to his brothers. "What have you four done now? I was only gone a week. A mere seven days!"
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    Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]
    by Lauri Robinson

Chapter Three
    Darkness began to clear. Loud, garbled voices filled her ears. Jessie twisted, trying to make out words, but there were too many, coming from all directions. A moan rumbled in her throat.
    "Shush now! She's coming to," shouted above the others. Jessie opened her eyes, recognizing Stephanie Quinter's rough voice. How'd she come to be lying on the floor? Her lids closed. Please, please let it all be a dream. She tugged them open again. Stephanie Quinter's face hovered inches above hers. Jessie covered both eyes with her hands. So much for wishes and prayers.
    "There now sweetie, are you feeling better?" the woman asked.
    Had her tone always sounded so kind and friendly? No, it had been harsh and forceful. The bite of the woman's voice was something Jessie clearly remembered. At least her hands were no longer tied. She pressed them against the floor. With the help of the Reverend and Stephanie Quinter, Jessie rose to a sitting position. Confident the room was no longer spinning she nodded and allowed them to help her back into the chair. She settled onto the hard wood and twisted her hands in her lap. Rubbing at sore wrists, and unsure of the silence that had filled the room, she eased her gaze to the man sitting next to her.
    Still tied to the chair, he now had several strips of white cloth wrapped around his face and tied atop his head with a 34
    Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]
    by Lauri Robinson
    wide bow. If she hadn't been so uncomfortable, she may have laughed at the sight.
    He must have caught the glint of humor she was unable to hide. A gentle smile lifted the corners of his mouth and deep brown eyes sent a twinkle her way. His features were much softer than his brother's and held a hint of kindness. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. It reminded her of Russell's 'I'm sorry' look.
    Her glance went to the fireplace. Russell still sat with his hands tied behind his back. Her fingers began to tremble. What had happened while she was out? She'd never fainted before in her life. The incident left her feeling more nervous, if that was possible.
    "Miss Johnson, are you feeling all right?" The Reverend patted her shoulder.
    "Y-yes, I'm fine. S-sorry for the, um, disruption," she murmured and lowered her gaze to the floor, realizing the entire room stared at her.
    "Now that the medical emergencies are over, perhaps someone would care to tell me what's going on here?" the man beside her said.
    Jessie didn't dare look his way. His voice didn't sound as friendly as his face had looked an instant ago. Silence hung in the air like dew in the morning. Refusing to allow her eyes to move from the shiny wood beneath her feet, she waited for the stillness to break. Her heart thudded so hard, she wondered if others could see the bodice of her gown jump with each rapid thump.
    "Well?" he said.
    Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]
    by Lauri Robinson
    Stephanie Quinter cleared her throat. "Like I told you, Kid, this here gal is ta be your wife. Reverend Kirkpatrick is here to perform the marriage."
    His intake of breath whistled over his teeth. Jessie cringed, and afraid to breathe, waited for his outburst. Kid Quinter's exhale was long and loud. It echoed through the silence of the room. Time ticked by a few minutes before, in a low, smooth voice, he asked, "How, may I ask, did this marriage come about?"
    "Her brother here stole one of our horses. And since he no longer has it and
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