Shogun (The Asian Saga Chronology)
wonder, and deep filial love, when he thought of Elizabeth.  For forty years she's battled with the world.  She's outfoxed and outfought Popes, the Holy Roman Empire, France and Spain combined.  Excommunicated, spat on, reviled abroad, she's led us into harbor—safe, strong, separate.
    "We're free," Blackthorne said to the priest.  "You're broken.  We've our own schools now, our own books, our own Bible, our own Church.  You Spaniards are all the same.  Offal!  You monks are all the same.  Idol worshipers!"
    The priest lifted his crucifix and held it between Blackthorne and himself as a shield.  "Oh, God, protect us from this evil!  I'm not Spanish, I tell you!  I'm Portuguese.  And I'm not a monk.  I'm a brother of the Society of Jesus!"
    "Ah, one of them.  A Jesuit!"
    "Yes.  May God have mercy on your soul!"  Father Sebastio snapped something in Japanese and the men surged toward Blackthorne.  He backed against the wall and hit one man hard but the others swarmed over him and he felt himself choking.
    " Nanigoto da? "
    Abruptly the melee ceased.
    The young man was ten paces away.  He wore breeches and clogs and a light kimono and two scabbarded swords were stuck into his belt.  One was daggerlike.  The other, a two-handed killing sword, was long and slightly curved.  His right hand was casually on the hilt.
    " Nanigoto da? " he asked harshly and when no one answered instantly, " NANIGOTO DA? "
    The Japanese fell to their knees, their heads bowed into the dirt.  Only the priest stayed on his feet.  He bowed and began to explain haltingly, but the man contemptuously cut him short and pointed at, the headman.  "Mura!"
    Mura, the headman, kept his head bowed and began explaining rapidly.  Several times he pointed at Blackthorne, once at the ship, and twice at the priest.  Now there was no movement on the street.  All who were visible were on their knees and bowing low.  The headman finished.  The armed man arrogantly questioned him for a moment and he was answered deferentially and quickly.  Then the soldier said something to the headman and waved with open contempt at the priest, then at Blackthorne, and the gray-haired man put it more simply to the priest, who flushed.
    The man, who was a head shorter and much younger than Blackthorne, his handsome face slightly pock-marked, stared at the stranger.  " Onushi ittai doko kara kitanoda? Doko no kuni no monoda? "
    The priest said nervously, "Kasigi Omi-san says, 'Where do you come from and what's your nationality?' "
    "Is Mr. Omisan the daimyo? " Blackthorne asked, afraid of the swords in spite of himself.
    "No.  He's a samurai, the samurai in charge of the village.  His surname's Kasigi, Omi's his given name.  Here they always put their surnames first.  'San' means 'honorable,' and you add it to all names as a politeness.  You'd better learn to be polite—and find some manners quickly.  Here they don't tolerate lack of manners."  His voice edged.  "Hurry up and answer!"
    "Amsterdam.  I'm English."
    Father Sebastio's shock was open.  He said, "English.  England," to the samurai and began an explanation but Omi impatiently cut him short and rapped out a flurry of words.
    "Omi-san asks if you're the leader.  The headman says there are only a few of you heretics alive and most are sick.  Is there a Captain-General?"
    "I'm the leader," Blackthorne answered even though, truly, now that they were ashore, the Captain-General was in command.  "I'm in command," he added, knowing that Captain-General Spillbergen could command nothing, ashore or afloat, even when he was fit and well.
    Another spate of words from the samurai.  "Omi-san says, because you are the leader you are allowed to walk around the village freely, wherever you want, until his master comes.  His master, the daimyo , will decide your fate.  Until then, you are permitted to live as a guest in the headman's house and come and go as you please.  But you are not to leave the
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