Shield's Submissive
before the door. He captured her face between his large palms.
    “I can’t wait to truly make you mine in every way. I will have you hoarse from screaming so loud and so long. The pleasure we’ll achieve will be beyond anything you’ve ever experienced.”
    With that, he placed a tender kiss on her lips then led her through the doorway and back into the office, which was filling with people returning from their lunch hours.

    * * * *

    As the day progressed, Mark became increasingly glad it was Friday. His mind frequently returned to the episode in the stairwell. On one hand, it had been incredibly stupid and risky. On the other, he’d never experienced anything like it before. He had come so hard he’d actually shot the wall between Erica’s legs. She had responded to his demands like a dream. He craved to explore that further and planned on making the most of the upcoming weekend, testing her limits to see if she continued to react so hotly.
    After careful consideration, he decided he would ask Erica to go to his mountain cabin.
    It was still early spring, and although the weather could be unpredictable, the forecast called for partly sunny skies on the Front Range. If things went as planned, they would stay plenty warm despite chilly night temperatures in the higher altitudes. Enthusiastic about his prospects, he settled in to finish all his important business before leaving that night.
    The sun set outside his office window as he shut down his laptop. He headed for the door and shut off the lights. As he locked up, he looked over his shoulder at Erica’s suite, but didn’t see a light on. Walking around the common area, he searched for her. He knew she was still in the building because her car was parked in the usual space outside, but he was still without success a half hour later. He’d checked her office, the gym, his office, and the conference room. He even went so far as to knock on the ladies room door. Finally giving up, he went to find one of the secretaries to see if they knew where she was. He saw one of them heading into the elevator. He jogged over to catch her before the doors closed.

    Trina Lane

    “Ann! Wait!”
    She glanced through the elevator doors and put her hand out to prevent them from closing.
    “Did you want to ride me, Mr. Shield?” She giggled. “Oh…sorry, I meant with me.”
    He looked over at the perky blonde. He found her attractive in a general female fashion but had never suggested anything between them. Frankly, he was surprised at her audacity since it was more than apparent what she’d said was no slip of the tongue.
    With a stern face, exuding all his partnership power, he replied, “No thank you, Ms.
    Branson. I was hoping you could tell me if you’ve seen Ms. Cross. I have some important details to discuss with her and can’t seem to find her.”
    “Yeah, I saw her go down into ‘The Pit’ a while ago. I think she was planning on finishing the Marksmen layout,” she said with an air of disappointment.
    After thanking her, he headed down to the lower level and came to a stop outside in the hallway when he heard Erica singing enthusiastically. It was impossible to suppress his grin as he recognised the classic rock tune talking about some woman and a one-night stand.
    Standing silently, leaning against the door jamb, he watched as Erica danced around in stocking-clad feet and sang to her music. She seemed like a carefree teenager, much different from the professionally composed V.P. he saw on a daily basis. Just as she reached up to grab a print coming off the machine, he walked up behind her, grabbed her around the waist and spun her around. Pulling her face between his hands, he kissed her hard.
    The kiss was electric and all consuming. He spared her no mercy and ate at her mouth like it was the most delectable dessert. His tongue aggressively thrust into her mouth only to slowly lick its way back out. Her arms came up around his neck,
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