Shelley the Lifeboat Labrador

Shelley the Lifeboat Labrador Read Online Free PDF

Book: Shelley the Lifeboat Labrador Read Online Free PDF
Author: John Periam
Tags: Biography, Non-Fiction, dog, animal
upset at having to leave Southwold and its wonderful community.  We went in convoy; Christine left early to get the keys from the estate agent in St Neots and I escorted the removal van over.
    The new property was in a small cul-de-sac situated close to the A1. There were about twenty houses all semi-detached.  We liked them because it was quiet and had easy parking as well as some local shops at hand and a pub within a stones throw.   It was also ideal for me in my new job near Cambridge and Christine could still work with Ralph as she was now travelling a lot more anyway.                                                                                                        
    When we arrived at the house the previous owners were just leaving and asked if we could kindly forward their mail whilst at the same time giving us some stickers with their new address. They wanted to leave some vehicle bits in the garage for a week until they could pick them up – we saw no objections.
    We paid them some money for the carpets we had purchased and off they went.  It was not until we started to look around the house that we realised that they had not cleaned it properly and to add insult to injury had cut the cable flex of every light to the ceiling taking the bulbs with them. I checked the garage and it was in a mess full of oil and rusty car parts. Needless to say the sticky labels went in the bin, a phone call was made and the items in the garage were taken to the tip. 
    It was not a nice first night; the house really looked shabby and we slept on the bed in a couple of sleeping bags surrounded by boxes of our belongings and furniture that were not put in the place that we wanted due to the fact that we had to clean the carpets and walls first. Why do some people have no consideration for others when they move out of a property? A few hours work to make it presentable would not go amiss.
    Shelley was confused and could not settle at all sleeping on the end of our bed quietly moaning and wondering where the sound of the sea had gone to only to be replaced by the hum of traffic going up and down the A1 in the distance and neighbours leaving early for work.
    Unknown to me at the time, there were going to be a lot of changes in my life due to this move and it would have a major effect on my future and Shelley’s for many years to come.
    End of Chapter Five
    It took several days to get the house cleaned and sorted to suit our requirements – it did spoil things. To leave the light flexes cut cost us extra money in getting an electrician in to rectify the problem.
    With that now behind us I started my new work at Cambridge and spent the first couple of weeks on different product training courses whilst Christine worked with Ralph taking Shelley with her.
    The house was ideal as a first purchase and we were pleased we had finally got onto the property ladder. It had a small back garden giving Shelley some space and a small patio which she made her home. We had one slight problem and that was a small fish pond next door. Shelley’s love of water became too apparent and before we knew it she was in the pond removing most of the water lilies and causing the newts to have major panic attacks.
    It was a nice introduction to our neighbour John.  After a slight confrontation and a rebuild of the fence, followed by a few cans of Lager life returned to normal.
    Trying to find a suitable regular walk was a slight problem as we had not done our homework before the move. No beach and no immediate fields resulted in us having to keep Shelley on the lead and walk her up a path across a flyover over the busy A1. On the other side was a park but that had a notice stating ‘dogs must be kept on leads at all times’. It
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