wasn’t refined or professional-appearing, but something in her raw discussion of things made it impossible to take my eyes off her when she spoke.
I just sat there, silent.
Jennifer and Molly looked me up and down, waiting for a response. Something, anything...to say they were crazy or right.
“ What?” Molly read me well. “You’re thinking something, what?”
“ Nothing. It's stupid.”
“ No, really, tell us. It can’t be any more stupid than...” she couldn’t think of anything, “than...well never mind. Just tell us.”
Inching closer to them, I spoke almost in a whisper, as if I said a bad word for the first time or had to keep a secret from Mom. “Maybe he saw something, something that made him scared.”
“ You mean like an angel.” Molly said what we all knew I was thinking.
“ I don’t know...maybe?”
Jennifer looked like she could burst out laughing at any time, but tried to hold it in.
“ Could be,” Molly interjected, “I’ve seen a lot on the streets...I mean, with my gypsy parents and all that. Plenty of devils. Plenty of the unexplained. Why not angels?”
Jennifer would be hard to convince with her lawyer persona to uphold. “Sometimes shadows can make you think you see things.” She explainedlike a scientist rationalizing the supernatural.
“ Sometimes we can never be sure what we see. I agree to that.” Molly tucked herself under the covers and nestled her head on one of my pillows.
“ How are we all going to fit in here?” I questioned with humorous tone.
Jennifer squeezed beside me, tossing the books to the floor and throwing the covers over her body. When Molly returned the Kindle to the nightstand, I curled up the notepad and stuffed it under my pillow.
“ We made room all through middle school.” Molly pressed her head in our direction. “We can make room now.”
I smiled, knowing full and well that Molly didn’t actually share a bed with us in 6th grade, and since our freshman year of high school she usually slept on a blow-up mattress on the floor. But maybe she believed we saw something in the window more than she let on.
“ It’s gotta be Clark,” Molly professed before closing her eyes. “We should find out what happened between them one month ago.”
In the morning I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and yawned. I wanted to sleep in, and since we had no school the rest of the week, I felt I had every right to, but the curiosity over everything we had discovered the prior night nagged me.
Slipping over Jennifer who still slept tucked under my covers, I plopped onto the floor. In a panic I realized I didn’t see any of the angel books where Jennifer had dropped them. My mind awoke immediately as if I had had a pot of coffee. I scoured the bedroom floor like a soldier using a toothbrush for cleaning. Empty. Adrenaline allowed me to leap over the carpet to the nightstand. The Kindle, gone!
“ Everything is missing!” I shouted, and Molly’s head jerked up from the pillow, her bob bouncing about and her eyes in-and-out of focus.
“ What?”
“ The books, the Kindle, the papers! They are all gone!” I threw my arms up in the air like my Italian mother in argument. Then, I slipped my fingers under my pillow to find that at least the notepad still remained.
Propping herself up, Jennifer looked beside the bed and saw that there really was nothing there. “What happened to everything?” She jumped to her feet.
Then a breeze blew through the window which now stood slightly ajar. A creak echoed through my ears as the wood window frame swung back to the wall and the curtain above billowed.
All eyes turned to the window and remained frozen there.
Family Ties
Molly and Jennifer had a quick breakfast before heading out. Mom wanted to spend some quality time with me and I wanted to pick my brother’s brain. I think my friends had had enough of my room anyway.
“ Before I start feeling claustrophobic, I’m going to the mall. Meet you