saving me, Anderson.”
    He stared back at me, his eyes like dark
tunnels. “You’re welcome, Kaela,” he said. “I’m just glad I was
there to help.”
    “‘Help is an understatement,” I said.
    “Maybe,” he allowed.
    “You were incredible,” I said, not caring
whether I was coming on too strong, “I mean, you were
    “Not really,” he said, “Those assholes
weren’t real opponents.”
    “Who...Who are you used to fighting?” I
    He paused for a long moment, his hands
lingering on my back. “Kaela,” he started, “I’m not sure if you
really want to know about all that.”
    “But I do,” I insisted. “Come on, you can’t
expect me not to be curious.”
    “It’s just...” he said, “I don’t want you to
get hurt.”
    “Why would I get hurt? You already chased the
bad guys away,” I said, laughing nervously.
    “Those bums were nothing. The real bad guys,
however...” he trailed off, deep in thought. I waited for him to
say something, but he simply lowered my tee shirt back over my
cleaned wounds. “Do you think you can make it to the bedroom?” he
    My whole body came to life at the suggestion.
Surprise and glee washed over me, and I really felt like a new
woman. “The bedroom?” I asked, trying not to sound overeager.
    “I’ll find you something to sleep in, get you
settled,” he said. “You could use a good rest, I’m sure.”
    My face fell as I realized that he meant to
put me to bed, not take me to bed. “You’re suggesting that I stay
over?” I asked.
    “Are you kidding?” he said, “You think I
would make you pack up and go after what you’ve been through?
You’re staying here so I can make sure you’re OK. I won’t take no
for an answer.”
    “You won’t have to,” I said. “Thank you,
    “Of course,” he said, offering me his
    He helped me stand and walk across the
enormous living room. This apartment was absolutely palatial. The
decor was slick and modern, not an item out of place. I wondered
how on earth Anderson could possibly afford such an expensive
apartment. He led me into the bedroom and flipped on the light. I
tried not to get excited as he walked me over to the sprawling king
sized bed. Anderson sat me down on the soft white comforter and
crossed the room to his closet. I unabashedly drank him up with my
eyes as he rifled through his drawers. I longed to grab that tight
ass of his, run my hands along his rippling back, and dig my
fingers into his shoulders as he slid inside of me...
    “Here you go,” he said, turning toward me
with a big sweatshirt and a pair of boxer shorts. I smiled back at
him, tamping down my dirty thoughts. He handed me the clothes and
turned his back. “You can go ahead and change,” he said, “I won’t
    He turned away from me, giving me a bit of
privacy. I stared at him, eagerly. Didn’t he realize that privacy
was the last thing I wanted? I wanted to feel his eyes skate over
my naked body, caressing my curves as they went. I wanted him to
lay me out across the bed and cover every inch of me with those
full lips of his. I wanted to feel him in me, filling me. I wanted
all of him.
    With trembled knees, I stood and lifted my
dirty tee shirt up over my head. My unclasped bra fell away from my
body, and I felt my nipples harden achingly. Gingerly, I unbuttoned
my jeans and slid them down my legs and off. My panties were soaked
through—I couldn’t tell whether I wanted him to know or not. I
peeled off the final flimsy garment and tossed it into the pile of
my discarded clothing. Anderson stayed put, turned away, but I
could sense his muscles tensing up. I straightened up and stood
naked behind him. My bare skin was screaming out for his touch. I
could scarcely stand to be there, in this gorgeous man’s bedroom,
without a stitch of clothing on my body. I wanted him so badly, but
I knew that he wouldn’t make a move. Furthermore, I knew that he
was right not to.
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