Shared By The Dragon Clan Complete

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Book: Shared By The Dragon Clan Complete Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rosette Bolter
You’re scaring me half to death here.
    She wondered
though if Zane would even hear her. The sound of his wings in accompaniment
with the wind meant she could barely even hear herself think. Her eyes were
becoming blinded by the aching sunset they were now steering towards, so
instead she closed them. And kept her complaints bottled up.
    It’s not as
if, he’s actually going to listen.
    She was his
property now. She actually preferred that concept than not knowing who she
belonged to. After all, the sex was consensual between them, and she liked the
idea of being possessed by someone who at least had some type of power. She
didn’t know much about the political world of dragons, but then perhaps someday
soon she would.
    The true test
for her would be to persuade him that she was his perfect match. That was just
a concept for now, her trying to make him fall for her… And it was such an idea
that would probably eventuate to little in the face of what was about to
unfold. She wished that she could be honest with Zane – open up to him, and
have him do the same. For now the moment though was utter bliss, so she calmed
her thoughts and allowed herself to take it all in.
    The sunset
had almost passed.
    In the sky,
the faint appearance of stars emerged, as the King’s Palace loomed in the
distance. By now, Stacey’s anxieties were at peace with the dragon riding, and
the side of her face was gently submerged in his tiny scales. She felt his heat
underneath them – his breath, his fire, his soul. As an aspiring veterinarian
she had always had a thing for animals. Especially in their differences to
people. Zane wasn’t a man, and he wasn’t an animal. He was a unique, god-like
combination of the two. Perhaps that was why she already felt attached to him –
his animal side rather – as even though no words were being spoken between them
now, communication was taking place. She knew she felt it.
    She knew he
felt it too.
    What would
become of the pair then, when it was time for them to play their hand?

    Horatio Hurux, King of the Dragons,
was sitting in the middle of his bed in the Royal Chambers, having a
conversation with his Human Mage, whilst two half naked slaves waved their fans
over him. Dinner wasn’t for another half hour.
    “You know I
get bored of all this,” Horatio growled in a deep voice. “All this eating and
drinking and fucking. How we’re just all sitting on this island here, like
animals in a pen.”
    “Indeed,” the
Mage contemplated. “It’s not the Dragon’s way.”
    “My father
would be disgusted with how complacent I’ve become. All these peace treaties.
Everyone minding their own business. No one getting offended. It’s too easy.
There’s no point to it.”
    “Still,” the
Mage added, “your father would be pleased with our lack of casualties.”
casualties? You have to go to war to have casualties. All my men these days,
just sit around living in harmony. Have you seen how some of them treat their
slaves? They actually marry them. Raise … filthy, self entitled half breeds.
They’re so soft. They think the meaning to life is to just enjoy themselves.”
    “But they
have a good leader. Zane is a true warrior.”
    “I have no
doubt he once was. Back when father was king. But now… He just spends most of
his time messing about with the birds in his avery. Between fucking every piece
of ass that comes in here.”
    “Aye, it’s no
way to live.”
    Horatio waved
at his slaves to stop fanning him, and got up off the bed. He moved past his
Mage and went to the cupboard to dress himself in his evening attire.
    “We’ve been
far too weak for far too long. It’s time for blood to be shed. It’s time for a
    “And yet you
    The King
smiled at his minion. “The worst decisions are always made in haste.”
    “Not always.”
    His smile
widened. “What would you suggest I do?”
    The Mage
pondered his question a moment. The
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