Shadows of Deceit
across to the bar,
    “What’ll you have stranger?”
    The barmaid was in her early forties he thought, possibly a few years older than him?
    “What’s on offer then in this establishment?”
    “Just drinks, at the moment.” She paused and then added,
    “Maybe some food later.” She smiled.
    Harry ordered and watched her move down the bar to fetch the drinks. She was medium height and wearing a tight, black skirt with a fitting green cardigan that emphasised her figure. Her short blonde hair and fair complexion were enhanced by her large brown smiling eyes. She wasn’t wearing a ring, he’d noticed. Another younger barmaid was standing by the till watching what was going on.
    The older barmaid returned,
    “Here you go, will that be all?”
    “For the moment.”
    This time Harry smiled at her, paid and then returned to his seat. As he turned to glance back at the bar he noticed that the two assistants were chatting about him and pointing across. The other girl was smaller in stature, with dark hair; probably only twenty Harry thought. They both sprang back to their duties when they realised Harry was now watching them.
    Harry turned in his chair,
    “What’s this job then Andrew?”
    “Well I was thinking of expanding my business empire a bit more. I have the funds to buy up more houses and convert them. With the bombing still going on there are always families and service people looking for accommodation.”
    “Aren’t you worried that some of your houses may also get destroyed or damaged?”
    “Well yes of course, but there will be government compensation to repair or rebuild, plus the fact that the land they are sitting on is still of value and will be in greater demand, I guess, after the war.”
    “Assuming we carry on winning!”
    “We are winning, especially now with the Yanks in with us.”
    “You can’t seem to go wrong can you?”
    “I try not to.”
    They both drank deeply.
    “The job?”
    “The job…I need someone to front some of the operations. Someone who isn’t afraid to be assertive on occasions.”
    “You mean a heavy?”
    “Hopefully that will never be needed, how can I put it, someone who has a presence, is charismatic, who is able to mix easily, who can persuade.”
    “A heavy, I thought so.”
    “Look I’m running a legitimate letting business. But my work is expanding at such a rate that I can’t vet every tenant who’s now in occupation. My regular payers are fine but I don’t command the presence or time needed myself to argue or persuade the difficult ones.”
    Andrew looked around and then lowered his voice.
    “But there is also a ‘shadow’ operation I’m involved in that you may wish to assist me with. I want someone smart, someone who has confidence. After all that’s why I arranged for you to be suited and booted.”
    “That’s another bone to pick with you. The next time you want me measured for a suit I’ll choose the tailor. I not going back to your friend again!”
    “Yes OK., but remember he’s useful for getting clothes without coupons.”
    “I’ll suffer gladly without him.”
    Harry was now becoming more interested in the alternative option being described.
    “This ‘shadow’ operation you mentioned, it’s obviously not legal is it?”
    Andrew scanned the room and then whispered,
    “Look Harry, I know we’ve only known each other for about a week but I think I can trust you. What I’m describing is, shall we say, a little opaque.”
    Harry couldn’t help laughing out loud,
    Alarmed at the outburst Andrew waved his hand to quieten Harry down.
    “I’m sorry Andrew, please go on.”
    This time Harry was whispering.
    “The letting business is the cover, there are some great opportunities to be realised elsewhere but we need to beef up our small discreet team to carry them out.”
    “Have you carried out any such operations so far?”
    “One or two only, very small scale.”
    “This team you mentioned,
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