Seductive Chaos (Bad Rep #3)

Seductive Chaos (Bad Rep #3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Seductive Chaos (Bad Rep #3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: A. Meredith Walters
    Maysie perked up and looked at me. “You got a job?” she asked and I scowled at her.
    “Yes, I got a job,” I said, not bothering to hide my annoyance at her incredulous response.
    Okay, so I had been less than successful since graduating from Rinard College over two years ago. I had decided to stay in Bakersville as opposed to returning to Pennsylvania, where my family lived.
    Gracie and I had gotten an apartment and I had then gone on to work a string of low paying, mind numbing occupations while I still struggled to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.
    I had graduated with a major in Business. But I hated business. I hated numbers. I hated anything and everything to do with sitting behind a desk and click clacking at a computer all day, every day.
    I had worked as a teller at a bank for a few months. But again the whole numbers thing had been against me. I had walked out after a lady yelled at me for messing up her deposit. Screw that!
    Then I had worked as a dog groomer for a while. But I couldn’t handle scrubbing the smell of wet canine off my skin at night.
    I had gone on to be employed as a secretary for an overly touchy attorney and a hostess at the local country club. Neither had worked out and I had been job free for almost three months.
    My parents graciously covered my expenses and they did so with minimal scolding. Though I knew I was disappointing them. It was a feeling I wasn’t overly familiar with. In their eyes I had always been able to do no wrong. I was smart and popular and had an uncanny ability to always get what I wanted.
    My siblings had always joked that I was the favorite. And maybe they were right. I had always been treated a little differently just for being awesome.
    But as the years passed I found that I could no longer rest on the laurels of my youth. My sister and brother had amazing jobs and now my parents were starting to look at me, wondering what had gone wrong with their perfect little girl.
    Because here I was, twenty-four years old, screwing a wannabe rock star with serious commitment issues, and a resume that could only include questionable skills such as beer pong champion and an impressive ability to experience multiple orgasms.
    There was more to me than that.
    I hadn’t expected much when I applied on a whim for an Events Coordinator position at The Claremont Center for the Performing Arts. It seemed like the perfect blend of respectable employment and throwing outrageous parties. It was almost too perfect. I hadn’t believed I had a chance in hell at landing it.
    So when I was called in for an interview and then a second interview, I had been shocked. And I had almost keeled over when the Assistant Director of Marketing had phoned to offer me the job.
    I was due to start on Tuesday. Which is why I had planned to fly back tonight. I wanted Monday to prepare myself for what lay ahead. This was my official launch into adulthood. Sure, I had been hanging out in the deep end for a few years but I had kept one foot firmly in the kiddie pool.
    This was my chance to show my parents that I didn’t suck. I wanted to feel like I was at least trying to accomplish something with my life.
    Yet here I was, planning to stay in Dallas another night, all because my fuck buddy wanted me to.
    Way to have your priorities straight, Vivian.
    “I didn’t mean it like that,” Maysie said sheepishly and I tried to rein in my bristling temper.
    “So what will you be doing?” Riley asked.
    Before I could answer, I noticed a group of so hot it should be illegal men walking into the restaurant. The boys of Generation Rejects had arrived.
    Jordan was talking to Riley’s boyfriend, Garrett who was his usual grungtastic self. He would be gorgeous if not for that stringy blond hair and no sense of style. But seeing the way Riley’s face lit up when she saw him, I knew that his ability to coordinate outfits wasn’t even a factor.
    Jordan and Garrett bee-lined for our table. I
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