spray around them.
Pain radiated up and down Noah’s back as he curled forward to try to avoid hitting his head. He slid down until his ass was wedged in the space between the dashboard and the seat, his feet trapped at eye level on the seat in front of him, his body pretzeled in a painful angle.
Jezebeth remained quiet, the salt bouncing harmlessly off her back, which relieved at least part of Noah’s fears as she continued to keep them on the road and moving.
Noah snapped his gaze toward the demon to find it melting like a wax figure under a blowtorch. Before its facial features melted entirely away, Noah thought he saw a quick expression of surprise. Then a loud pop echoed through the cab, and the thing disappeared back to Hell as its earthly form vanished, plunging them into near darkness.
“Are you all right?” Jezebeth’s voice was soft and filled with exhaustion.
Noah unwedged himself from between the seat and dashboard and turned to find her slumped in the seat as she continued to drive. He glanced through the broken window, noticing the cold night air for the first time since he’d entered the club to search for Jezebeth. “I’ll be fine. What about you?”
“I need to stop and find sustenance, even if it’s only a quick fix.” She swallowed hard, as if the effort to speak cost her more energy than she had to spare.
After witnessing her in action, he’d expected her to give a stoic response and tell him she was “fine” or some other equivalent. Her matter-of-fact honesty surprised him.
“The other demons can track the place where that one was sent back to Hell, so we need to keep moving and get as far away from there as possible.” Each word became softer and more slurred as she continued.
“Pull over.”
She didn’t argue and, instead, slowed the truck and drove onto the shoulder of the road, shifting it into park.
Noah glanced around them, glad the club was on the outskirts of the small Texas town and the road was currently deserted. He hopped out of the truck and circled around to the driver’s side to find Jezebeth already scooted over and slumped against the passenger door. He pulled the door shut and turned toward her. “Is there anything else I need to know?”
She nodded, weakly. “Wherever we go, I need to find someone who will be attracted to me in this form. I don’t have enough energy to change into another one.”
Noah’s cock surged to life again, as if to say it was very much attracted to her in this current form—not really for the ridiculous form itself, but for her bravery back at the club, for how calmly she’d handled their near death-by-demon encounter, and for her sense of humor through the whole ordeal. Her driving skills didn’t hurt either.
He smiled at his last thought and shifted in his seat as he tried to ignore his body’s blatant reaction to her.
She was a succubus, for God’s sake, and had probably slept with millions of men in her long lifetime. He didn’t have any desire to be the newest notch on her bedpost—even if she needed an energy fix. Not to mention he really wasn’t into the overdone curves and short, spiky hair on a woman, regardless of his body’s reaction.
His sense of chivalry and honor prodded him to offer her some of his energy, but he swallowed back the words before they could form. “We’ll find you something. Hang in there.” As the words left his lips, he felt like an utter and complete ass for the second time in the span of less than an hour but couldn’t bring himself to take it back.
Instead, he guided the truck back onto the road and let silence fall between them as they drove through the darkness. It was past midnight on a Friday night. Where was the best place to find a few men willing to offer themselves up for a wounded woman who looked like she was about to pass out?
A soft glow of light in the distance caught Noah’s attention, and he grinned as he pressed the gas pedal down harder. “I think I have
personal demons by christopher fowler