until the bed stopped spinning so hard. Standing was even worse and he stumbled toward the door that connected his room to Bay's.
It was locked.
"Bay!" He banged on the door. Why the hell was his door to Bay's room locked? "Bay!"
The door to his room opened, that evil fucking red-head looking in. "You okay?"
"Screw you. What the hell have you done to my brother?"
He banged on the door a few more times, starting to shout, no matter how much it hurt. "Bay! Bay!"
"Last I checked, he was asleep."
His eyes narrowed. "Why'd you lock his door? And why isn't he waking up? Bay! Bay! Bay!"
"His door was locked when we got home." Red head rolled his eyes, turned his head, spoke to someone out there. "Primary two is okay?"
"Yeah, Boss. Pacing. Fine."
"Cool. Night, kid." Then his door was shut. How dare they? How dare they ignore him?
He went to the door, half expecting it to be locked, but it flew open. "Where's my stuff?" That would help his head at
least and then he could go tear Bay's damned door down. His twin never shut him out. Never.
Two sets of eyes looked over -- the red-head and a huge ass biker looking thing. "Your stuff?"
"You stole my property. Twice," he added as he remembered the missing Porsche. "But I'm talking about the bag of goodies you stole at Rose's."
Red looked over at the biker. "Vin run that shit yet?"
The biker nodded. "Cut with arsenic, man. Not cool. It's gone."
"Fucking shit! Get me something for my fucking head."
A green bottle was held up, O'Neal -- that was the fucking red head’s name -- smiling. "Excedrin?"
Ken grabbed it, tearing the cap off and trying to remember what all Bay usually did to help. Water. "I need fucking water, too."
"He's a demanding little shit, Simon."
"Yeah, I noticed." O'Neal handed him a bottle of water.
"If you hadn't messed with my shit, I wouldn't be here, demanding. Assholes." He took the bottles of pills and water and slammed the door behind him, wincing and whimpering as the sound fucking hurt.
The sound of laughter emanated from the outer room.
Fucking assholes. He'd show them. When his fucking head didn't hurt so fucking much.
He downed a half dozen pills and drank all the water before trying Bay's door again, but thumping and calling out got him nothing.
He made his way back to bed and curled up with a moan.
He amused himself with plans of kidnapping and torturing the old man until he finally drifted back off to sleep.
Rick was up, sitting with Vin and Bob, eating some fruit and planning their day while Simon and Mike slept. "Primary One's going to be a bear today, you two stick to him like glue. I'll be with Primary Two."
"Mike says the kid had a meltdown last night. We're hoping he sleeps." Bob winked, chuckled.
"Shit. The other one paced all night." Vin shook his head. "I'm going to do a quick run of the perimeter, check their windows again."
"Good idea. I'll page you if the sleeping beauties find a prince." He speared a piece of melon, grinned at Bob. "How's the baby?"
"Crawling, three teeth. Looks like her momma."
"Thank God." Rick smiled at the big guy, the tease comfortable, familiar.
The alarms went nuts, Primary One's bedroom window. He drew his weapon, Bob already calling Vin as he burst in the room.
Ken was halfway out the window. "Shit!" The kid scrambled to get the rest of the way out.
Asshole. He grabbed the kid's feet as Vin got around to the front.
"In or out, Boss?"
"In. He can use the door."
"Let go of me, you fucker!" Ken kicked and wriggled.
He hauled Ken in, shut the window. "You can go where you want, but you're getting tailed. Get used to it."
"So whatever asshole is following can steal my stuff? You assholes owe me a hundred bucks and next time I am calling the cops if my car disappears."
"The shit you bought? Dirty. Laced with poison. Wouldn't have killed you, but you wouldn't be walking