thing to say. Finn wondered if she should just hide under the cover until her cheeks cooled.
“True.” He walked across the room like a tiger stalking his prey and picked up a kettle. “It’s a tea bag in the cup until I think you’re okay to go into the lounge or kitchen. And, no milk or sugar, I forgot to buy any. Sorry.”
“I drink it black. What’s your name?” God, that sounded a bit abrupt. Stop tweaking the tiger’s tail. Tigers and Dom’s bite. “Please,” Finn added hastily. “Where am I, why am I here and oh, I’m Finula.”
“Coll. I live here and it was the closest place to bring you to warm you up. I spoke to the doctor, who will be here as soon as possible.”
“I don’t need a doctor. I’m fine. I can only see one of you, my head doesn’t hurt anymore and…and…well, I am not going to hospital. End of.” She thought for a moment. “And Depp will need dinner.”
“My cat. The dogs live at Lachy’s.”
“You said.” He looked at her steadily until she lowered her eyelids and then he laughed softly. “And if you try to say you’re no sub, we’ll take bets and I’ll win. Truce, Finula?”
She nodded. Why did he say she was a sub? Oh, she loved reading her books but to actually act out what she read? “As long as you agree no hospital.”
“That’s up to the doc.” A bell sounded somewhere and he moved to the door. “That will be her.”
“I don’t need…”
“A doctor, so you said. However we’ll let her be the judge of that.”
Why did she think she’d never win an argument with him?
Chapter Four
Five long hours later, Coll carried Finn, now covered by his dressing gown, into his lounge and put her carefully onto the big, squashy settee. He guessed she’d feel happier talking in there than his bedroom.
He hadn’t missed the way she kept looking at the chains and pulleys then at the doctor, who as a sub to her husband, just ignored them and Finn’s embarrassed expression. He’d been shooed out of the room whilst Emma Lynn had examined Finn, called back in and told all was well and she’d just had a nasty bump on the head.
“I can’t make her go to hospital but nor do I want her to be left alone tonight,” Emma said. “But If I’m honest, I’d prefer her to be seen in A and E.”
“I’ll take her and if they let her out, she can stop here,” Coll said immediately. “If she’s okay.”
Finn made a face. “Stop talking about me as if I’m not here. I don’t want to go.”
“What about Depp?” Finn asked anxiously.
“The cat,” Coll said, straight-faced.
The doctor laughed. “I’ll go that way if you want and feed him? Then bring your key back. And as for okay? As sure as I can be. I’ve done all the obvious tests, and all’s well. I can’t force you to go to A and E, but I’d be a lot happier.”
“I’m fine, honestly. I’ve been concussed before—rugby—and this is nothing like that, I promise you. And about Depp, maybe we could just go there,” Finn said in a hopeful voice he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist. “Back to my home. Then I’d be in familiar surroundings.”
“You said you were okay,” Coll reminded her, and she laughed.
“Busted, but I’ve got clothes and stuff there.” She looked up at him. “Please?”
“After the hospital we’ll decide then.”
She huffed. “Bully.”
“You’re still bullying me.”
“Worrying about you. Please?”
She sighed. “Oh, all right but then I’m back. I hate hospitals. Every time someone I know goes into one, they die.”
“Then you’ll buck the trend.” Damn, he was a sucker for big green eyes. “Right, so, I’m night watchman, until the real guy arrives around ten. I’ll ring him to come in now and to hold on until we get back. Emma will feed your cat and bring him here. Yes?”
She bit her lip and he saw Emma Lynn’s lips twitch. It was well known he wouldn’t have any lip biting
C.L. Scholey, Juliet Cardin