Sea of Sighs (Empath Book 2)
see Eden, that’s the problem we have.
And that was the problem Quinn was always going to face. No one
here knows what it’s like to live in Sha’sek. No one here even
asks. Everyone is quite happy to tell each other stories of what it
was like during the war, and how it felt to face an army that let
women fight alongside men, where all of them had mystical talents.
What no one talks about is what it’s like to live in Sha’sek.
That’s not because no one knows. That’s because no one here
believes what you have to say.”
    “So tell me. I want to know.” Eden leaned
forward across the table, planting his elbows firmly in place and
planting his pleading eyes on Ross. Fine, Sha’sek might not be the
place of horror he’d been brought up to believe it to be. He could
deal with that, if it meant Quinn was going to a better place.
    Ross’s eyes twinkled. “Okay lad, I’ll tell
you about Sha’sek. And I know why you’re asking as well, but you
not going to like what I have to tell you.”
    “Why? If it means Quinn is going to be safe,
why should I have a problem?”
    “Because she won’t just be safe, Eden,
she’ll be with her own people. She’ll be safe, for the first time
in her life, and she won’t feel isolated or segregated from the
rest of the people around her.”
    “But Sammah was gifted, and everything that
happened to Quinn was down to him. It was his fault she was
isolated, and treated the way she was.”
    “Do you know that, for sure? What proof do
you have? Did Quinn ever say that to you?”
    Eden sat back in his chair. No, Quinn had
never said it was just Sammah’s fault. And it hadn’t been Sammah,
who made her leave Everfell. “I never made her feel unwelcome,
surely that would make a difference to her?” Eden said desperately,
trying to cling to some hope that this conversation would have some
positive bearing on his future.
    Ross shook his head forlornly. “I’m afraid
not lad. You see, after it came out that Quinn was an empath, there
were never going to be a future here for her. Despite the fact that
she’d only been Sammah’s puppet, Vance wouldn’t have wanted someone
like her around. Think about it. Even if Vance had the balls to use
Quinn for his own ends, what would the rest of the lords think at
having someone like her in court? Before long, Quinn would have
been murdered. I think Vance knew that, and he did want to at least
reward the girl for saving his throne.”
    “I’m confused. Vance has sent Quinn away as
a reward? But, if she had stayed, he was going to have her put to
trial and we all know full well, that had she gone to trial, she’d
have been executed.” Eden baulked at the using word “So, Vance
didn’t really give her a choice at all, did he?”
    Ross gave Eden a lopsided smile. “Now you
get it Eden. See this conversation we’re having here, this is how
Quinn has felt her entire life. She’s been told by people what to
do, where to go, even who to speak to. And even though the king
made it feel like she had a choice, she didn’t. The choice was exile or death. What would you have done?” Eden didn’t respond.
Ross ploughed on. “So, she’s done the only thing she could. Quinn
has left for Sha’sek, and what she’s going to find in those
islands, are hundreds upon hundreds of gifted people just like
    “But, I thought empaths were rare?” Eden
said, confusion now clouding his face.
    “ I don ’t mean like
her; I mean, just folk with abilities. It’s not just the empaths
that are gifted Eden, haven’t you been paying attention? What’s
    “He’s a healer.”
    “Exactly. Not like Torran, though; Maertn
was born to be a healer. It’s a natural skill, in his blood.
Healing comes to him like breathing comes to me and you. Empaths
and healers aren’t the only type of gifted in the islands. Why do
you think the people from Everfell fear them so much; hate them so
    “Why do you think we want to go to war
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