Sea Creature

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Book: Sea Creature Read Online Free PDF
Author: Victor Methos
    Vanessa found some steps leading below deck. She was in high heels and had to grip the railing on either side to keep her balance but she made it down and walked through a narrow corridor. She passed a bathroom, a closet, a small office, and then came to a door at the end marked, “ANDERSON J. ORRO: CAPTAIN AND FIRST MATE.”
    What a douchebag .
    Inside was as plush as any yacht she had ever been on. There were nice rugs on the floor and all the wood was a dark antique-looking brown. There were spirits in nice glass bottles at a bar and the couch was black leather and circled the room, a flat-screen taking up most of one of the walls.
    The bed had leopard print sheets and there was a package of unused condoms laid on the nightstand.
    She went to the bar and smelled what was in the various bottles. She found a bottle of vodka and a can of orange juice in a fridge and made a screwdriver with ice. She sat on the bed and drank and tried to see if her cell phone was picking up reception yet.
    It wasn’t and she put it in her pocket and lay down on the bed. A tiny window was open above her and she listened to the party for a while before dozing, and going to sleep.


    Vanessa felt tickling on her leg. Still half-asleep, she moved her legs, thinking it was some of the hundreds of bugs that were always around in Chile. The tickling didn’t stop and it began to move up her leg to her thigh and then her hips.
    She awoke to see Anderson’s fat face above her. His hands were caressing her hips and trying to get her shorts off. He stunk of liquor and sweat.
    “Get off of me, now.”
    “Oh come on, don’t be such a prude. I saw you looking at me earlier.”
    “Anderson, get off me or I’ll scream.”
    He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, kissing her neck. She struggled and brought her legs up enough that his body wasn’t pressed against hers and she tried to bite his face which only made him laugh.
    “You like it rough?” he said. “I can do rough.”
    She screamed.
    It wasn’t from Anderson or his stinking body or the fact that if he did rape her her mother would probably take his side. Out of the periphery of her vision, she saw something coming through the window.
    It was white and slick with what looked like circles on it. It was as thick as a tree trunk but seemed to shrink to get through the window. The tip slithered down to the floor, running over the rugs and up a table.
    “Just relax,” he said, “and you might enjoy it. Like I told your mom; I get what I want.”
    The thing seemed to hear his voice and crawled along the floor and up the bed. She screamed and fought and yelled and tried to pull away but he held her there as the thing climbed up onto the bed. It went over Anderson’s back and he smiled, thinking it to be her.
    The thing clamped down onto the fatty flesh of his back, sending a massive spatter of blood over the bed, the walls, and the ceiling. Anderson screamed as he was lifted into the air. The flesh ripped and he fell hard to the floor. He tried to get up and run out of the room but the thing moved as quickly as a snake and wrapped around his waist. It began to drag him near the window and the more he fought the tighter it wrapped itself around him.
    The thing crushed his midsection to the size of a watermelon. Blood was spewing from his eyes and ears and mouth and nose. He was pounding at it with his fist as Vanessa crawled underneath the bed.
    The thing brought him to the window. It was an undersized window, no more than a foot high, and it pulled Anderson through screaming, his bones crunching and his ligaments and tendons tearing as his legs folded behind his head and flesh scraped from his body as he was hauled through the miniature opening.
    Vanessa was shaking so badly she couldn’t stop. She put her hands underneath her to try and stop them and looked up to the window, praying that it wouldn’t come back as tears streamed down her face. She looked to the
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