Screams in the Dark

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Author: Anna Smith
Was very bad. Then they put us on buses and say we will be going away. Safe they say. And they bring us here. To Scotland.’
    ‘And how have you been since you came?’
    ‘Is okay in the beginning. They put us in a big place for two days – like a camp – and then they give us apartment. Where you saw me.’
    Rosie nodded, watching him pick nervously at the napkin.
    ‘You were very upset. Tell me what happened.’
    ‘I tell you.’ His eyes grew dark. ‘The woman from Refugee Council. She come and take all our names. She tell us we will get food and some clothes. They give us things. They tell us the lawyers will look after us and help us and work on our case so we can stay here. We like living here. Is bad now in the apartments because the people from Glasgow they hate us. They fight with us because they want our things, but we have nothing.’ He shook his head. ‘I will give them anything. I want to be free. Just to live here. Me and Jetmir to start again maybe. So we go to the lawyer and he ask our details. He want to know where we come from, who we live with, who is our friends. We tell them we have nobody. Only us – like brothers. We want make new friends. New life here. He tell us to come back the next week. He said to trust him, we must not to tell Refugee Council. He say he can find us jobs but we must not tell. He tell us to come back, and we did.’
    ‘Do you mean the day your friend was taken. Is that the day you went back?’
    Emir nodded. ‘We speak to the lawyer.’
    ‘What lawyer?’ Rosie asked. ‘Do you know the name of the lawyer?’
    ‘Yes,’ Emir said. ‘His name Murphy. Mr Murphy. I think they called Paton Murphy. I show you. Is close by.’
    Rosie felt a little punch in her stomach.
    ‘Tony Murphy? Was the lawyer called Tony Murphy?’
    ‘Yes. That him, Rosie. You know him?’
    ‘I know him, yes. Well, I know the law firm. So what happened then?’ Rosie hoped her face showed nothing.
    ‘That day, we come down from his office, and in the street at the door, two men say our names. They say they are taking us back to our apartment. They say Mr Murphy told them take us back to flats. So we go in their car, very happy because Mr Murphy is good man, but then I see after some time we are not in the city. They are talking to us and trying to understand what we are saying. Then I see no big city any more. We are going to the country. More trees. Not so many houses. I ask them. They tell me we are going to see about jobs.’
    ‘Yes. They say Mr Murphy has tell them to take us for the jobs. We are in the back seat of the car. My friend Jetmir is nervous and he push his elbow to me to make a face that he is not happy. But we don’t know what to do. I am frightened also. They keep driving. Then they come to a place not in the big road, but in another road.It is in the woods. A big building. Not big like a factory but big. Like a place to keep things.’
    ‘Like a warehouse?’ Rosie said. ‘You know. Like you would have a big storage place?’
    ‘Yes, like that. I see two big trucks with fridges. Like I see before in Kosovo. They use them to take food to towns and villages, and keep cold. You understand?’
    ‘Yes,’ Rosie said. ‘Then what happened?’
    ‘Then it happen fast. One of the men he hit Jetmir on back of the head and he fall to the ground. The other comes to me, but I hit him hard. Then the man who hit Jetmir hit me with a stick, but I hit him hard too and he fell. I took the stick from him and I hit him on the head twice, but someone else come and they hit me on the head and I fell down. Then Jetmir tries to get up, and they start to beat him on the head with a stick. A baseball bat. I cannot watch.’ Tears came to his eyes. ‘I can see them taking Jetmir away. They are dragging him by his feet. They think I am dead or unconscious. But I am not. When they go inside the building, I run away.’ He shook his head. ‘I don’t know if Jetmir is alive,
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