Scavengers: August
wrangling up zombies rejected him.
    His forehead
hit the desk again.
    His study was a
spacious room with rich, burgundy colored wallpaper. The two big
windows were mostly covered, as the view wasn’t pleasant, even
though they lived in a luxurious part of the city. That was one of
the disadvantages of having an apartment on the tenth floor. The
air was a lot cleaner outside, but he could see the city from above
- all the smog, steam and trains moving from station to station.
Lots of people were excited by the developments and technology.
Zeppelins were the new frontier since they seemed to offer safer
travel than trains, but James wasn’t very keen on all that. In his
mind, he would always come back to the times when everything was
simpler. To the mansion in Kent, where he spent most of his youth.
Walking in the gardens, horse riding, swimming in the nearby
lake... He taught Katherine a lot about horses and she loved it, so
it was sad for him to hear her reminisce about that time. He would
want to give her everything that was best in life. Little Henry
    Every time he
was here, in his office, secretly looking through the erotic
drawings he had recovered from the mansion and thinking of Ira, he
had felt he was cheating them in some way. The guilt almost made
him gag, but after what had happened today at the university, he
was more embarrassed than ever. He was treated... well... he wanted
the sex, but after Ira rejected him and left shortly after he
swallowed every last drop of his juices, he almost felt physically
ill! He was a man of good standing, a family man, people depended
on him, valued his opinions and he was an important cog within the
society! Why then was he cursed with the needs of a beast?!
    Worst of all,
even though he was angry with that man, whenever he thought about
him, all he wanted to do was pleasure himself. For a month, a day
wouldn’t pass without James thinking about him. What they could do
if they met again and what they would talk about. The fact that his
fantasies were not purely sexual, made him feel even more
uncomfortable, as he would never get to satisfy that kind of
craving. They were never going to ride horses together, or go
swimming in the lake and he could never take him to a restaurant,
without being ostracized. James smiled at the thought of inviting
Ira Russell to the opera. He knew the notion was ridiculous and Ira
most probably wouldn't be interested.
    The abuse he'd
received today made him envision Ira as someone who doesn’t really
care for silly affections. He considered searching for him in those
bloody docks he lived in! No one should treat him like that! He was
a strong, able man who willingly gave up fighting back to give Ira
pleasure. It was an intimate thing to do and the breach of a
certain trust hurt him most.
    He assumed if
he tried to confront Ira he could probably manage some anonymity in
that district thanks to the gas mask. And then, maybe it was all
just a misunderstanding. He supposed not every Jew was deeply
involved with his religion. There might be something to work with
there... If Ira didn’t have any radical views, and James supposed
he didn’t, it could work out just fine.
    Also, there was
the upheaval at home. Katherine wanted for Henry to have fun with
other children and often invited mothers with their sons and
daughters, which meant that every other moment there was some sort
of screaming and crying in the house. He wouldn’t openly admit it,
but staying in his study sometimes felt like hiding from the
constant racket. Katherine and Henry were the apple of his eye, but
there was always a point at which he had to draw the line. They
never talked about it, but as they hadn’t slept together for over a
year now, it was pretty obvious that Henry wasn’t having siblings
any time soon.
    Suddenly, the
double door swung open as Henry stormed in wearing a cowboy
costume, shouting and running around.
    “No, Henry! You
can’t do that!”
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