Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series)

Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: A. King Bradley
heartbeat pounded even faster as I laid eyes on the battalion of heavily armed Strangers posted throughout the front lobby. With Alias’ unconscious body still in hand, I zoomed to the right before any of them could react. I was moving so fast that as they fired upon where they thought I still was, their bullets seemed to do nothing more than creep through the air. I zipped across the lobby in an instant and used my momentum to bound several steps up the towering right wall and leapt forty feet across the long lobby, barreling into the group of Strangers near the back of the room. I was pummeling my way through them with reckless abandon when out of nowhere a powerfully sharp pain suddenly erupted in my chest and threw me to the floor.
    The once helpless Strangers instantly seized this opportunity and began attacking me from all sides. I tried desperately to fight back but between the debilitating pain and pressure in the left side of my chest and my sudden shortness of breath, I was powerless to stop them. Their kicks and punches were as worthless as their bullets; however, as more and more of them attacked me my heart beat faster and with each beat came even more excruciating chest pain. My heart felt like it was about to explode and for a second I thought that it might—but then I heard a sound that I couldn’t have been happier to hear.
    The deep roar of Ace’s supercharged motorcycle suddenly rang out as he stormed into the lobby as though he had been shot out of a cannon. Strangers scrambled to stop him as his bike soared through the air toward the towering wall to the left. I tried to slow my heart rate, but it was hard not to get excited as I watched Ace speed across the wall to the left of the room with his sights on the Stranger hoard that surrounded me.
    His long, black headband whipped wildly behind him as he clutched the handle bar of the speeding bike with his left hand and fired an automatic pistol with his right, laying waste to the entire mob of mercenaries that surrounded me. As another wave of Strangers moved to attack me, Ace finally leapt from the bike but just before he let go of it, he used his left hand to guide the motorcycle’s momentum toward the oncoming group. The motorcycle slammed into the Strangers and toppled most of them to the floor just as Ace landed with a soft tuck and roll, popping up a few steps away from me. Gun in one hand, Ace quickly moved toward me as he unsheathed the razor sharp katana at his waist with the other. My chest was still on fire but as this deadly ninja warrior crouched over me and dared the Strangers to advance, my hope of making it out of that building was once again restored. I focused on catching my breath as droves of Strangers cautiously approached us from all directions. As they opened fire, Ace became a whirlwind of fury, twirling his silvery sword with astonishing speed and sending most of their bullets back toward them. The Stranger troops soon realized their guns were useless and tried their luck at taking Ace down by getting closer—but that was a huge mistake.
    Waves of Strangers rushed him in unison, but they soon found themselves missing entire limbs as well as various other body parts, courtesy of Ace’s lightning quick swordplay. Due to my power, the Strangers were probably more afraid of me than they were of Ace, but in all actuality they could not have been more wrong in that regard. I was far stronger and considerably faster but simply put, Ace was far deadlier. In the two and a half years that we had worked together as a unit, he had developed a killer instinct that far outmatched my own. Still, they continued to rush him even as he began to decapitate and further dismember their comrades. I shut my eyes and tried to tune out the sounds of Ace laying waste to the waves of Strangers in an effort to slow my heart rate. After a few minutes, I was able to catch my breath and the pain in my chest finally started to dwindle.
    “Reaper, can you
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