Saving Avery

Saving Avery Read Online Free PDF

Book: Saving Avery Read Online Free PDF
Author: Angela Snyder
    "Damn," I mutter. I definitely blew my chances today. I've never seen her interacting with any of the staff except for Rosie. Maybe they're friends and Rosie can tell me about this mystery girl. I'm desperate to know more about her, and I really want to put a name to the pretty face. I glance down to the paperwork in my hand. After my rounds are done, I'll find Rosie. Maybe she can shed some light on this situation that I feel I'm knee-deep in already.
    After my shift is over, I walk to the nurses' station in search of the one person who can give me the answers I need. Rosie glances up as I approach. "Dr. Harrison," she acknowledges.
    I first met Rosie in my orientation several days ago. She has a reputation from all the doctors for being phenomenal at her job. Besides the praise, what stuck out to me the most were the bright and colorful scrubs she had on that day and every day after that. Today, she's wearing bright green scrubs with a Scooby Doo print. I bet the kids just love them. "Do you know the name of the girl that volunteers here?" I ask her.
    She lifts her gaze from a stack of papers and says, "You're going to have to be more specific. There are several volunteers, Doc."
    "I saw you with her earlier. She has long dark hair." And the most gorgeous blue-gray eyes I have ever seen , I think to myself. " You two were talking just before she left for the day."
    Her face scrunches up with a big grin, accentuating the wrinkles around her eyes. "Oh! You mean Avery Mason."
    Avery . The name suits her. "Is she mute?" I blurt out.
    Rosie chuckles. "No, Dr. Harrison, she is not mute."
    My curiosity peaks. I wonder why she wouldn't say even one word to me. Maybe she's just extremely shy. "How long has she been volunteering here?"
    "Oh, several years now I suppose. Since she was in high school." She taps her pen against the desk and smiles thoughtfully. "She's a total sweetheart."
    She didn't need to tell me what I already knew. Just from seeing her in the hallways and with the kids I know she has a great personality.
    "She's married," Rosie says cautiously. "But not happily," she adds in a quiet and tentative tone.
    I raise a brow. "Did she tell you that?"
    "No." Rosie hesitates, and I can see a pained look on her face. "She didn't have to." I'm curious as to what she means, but she quickly adds, "My shift is almost over. We can talk more tomorrow if you'd like, Doc."
    I nod. "Nice to see you again, Rosie."
    "Same here."
    My legs feel heavy as I walk towards the exit. I’m no longer knee-deep in the situation. I'm barely keeping my head above the quicksand. I didn't know Avery was married. In fact, I didn't even think to look for a ring on her finger. I had been so mesmerized by being in the same room with her, that common sense just went right out the window.
    As I get in my car, Rosie's words come back to me. She said Avery's not happily married. I wonder what she meant by that. I shake my head. It's not as if I even know Avery well enough to pursue anything with her, and I certainly don't need a workplace romance during my first week here. I sigh and scrub a hand down my face. In spite of that, there's just something about her that makes it seem there's more to her than meets the eye, and I desperately want to figure her out.

    My stomach drops when I see Nathan's black BMW sitting in the driveway, and I curse the construction on the highway that delayed my trip home. I can feel my heart attempting to leap out of my chest as I park my white Mercedes beside his car. With trembling hands, I open my purse and find my anxiety medication. I pop two pills in my mouth and swallow hard. I can barely stand when I get out of the car. My legs are shaking as I attempt to make my way to the house. I stare at my watch. Every second that ticks by will only make it worse. Forcing myself to hurry, I will my legs to move faster up the steps to the front door.
    Plastering a phony smile on my face, I walk
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