Save Me
of his shots and ordering another round.
    At eight o'clock sharp, just as expected, the bar began to fill up with people. Women dressed in all different types of scanty attire poured through the doors, laughing and gossiping amongst each other. Some were quite striking but none of them grabbed Leo's attention.
    As the bar reached full capacity, the band finally took the stage, announcing themselves and easing the crowd into the night with a song everyone was sure to know. Don't Stop Believing by the Journeys.
    "Hold on to that feelin!" the crowd roared in a drunken stupor, beers clanking.
    Leo sat in silence, taking in the performance from his seat at the bar. He had been drinking himself under the table since he had arrived and as a result, he had grown quite bored.
    The he saw her.
    She pushed her way through the crowd, standing on her tip-toes to lean over the counter, waving frantically at the bartender who had took Leo's drink order.
    Leo had seen a lot of beautiful women in his life but the little redhead in front of him took the cake. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He watched as she slid into an empty bar stool just a few seats away from him, smiling at the bartender as a bright pink drink was set down in front of her. She took a sip, a deep sigh escaping her lips. It was clear to Leo that she didn’t know she was being watched. He swallowed hard. She wasn’t his usual type, but there was something about her that he couldn’t help but find enticing. Something captivating.
    She was petite yet voluptuous with curves in all the right places. Her hair was honey red and curled around her heart shaped face. Her lips were full and pink, offset by a button nose, high cheek bones and large hazel eyes. She also had the largest rack Leo had seen in years, her cleavage pouring forward from her V-neck blouse as she leaned against the counter to sip her drink.
    It didn’t take her long to catch Leo staring and when she did, they met eyes. There was a glimmer deep inside them that Leo recognized as flirtation. On her tan body, she wore a tight fitting black pencil skirt that brought out the curve of her backside, topped off by a fuchsia colored silk blouse, tan stockings and kitten heels. She looked like a secretary or maybe a school teacher, but there was something about the look that Leo found sexy. If ever there had been a clear embodiment of classic Hollywood beauty – this woman was it.
    Leo watched as she finished the last of her drink, pausing to suck on the cherry in the bottom of her glass. Her lips wrapped around it like a pro and Leo could feel his cock stirring in his pants. When the stem was finally clean, she turned to look at Leo. She tilted her head, her lips pursed up into a grin.
    "Hi there," she said, her eyes glimmering as she extended her hand to him, “Mily.”
    Leo took it, not missing a beat.
    He held onto her small palm for just a second too long and she raised an eyebrow. Leo blushed like a teenager. He pulled away from her just as the bartender set down another round of whiskey in front of him. He downed one shot, offering one to Mily, who nodded her head and swallowed the bitter liquid in one sip, her dark pink lipstick leaving a mark on the glass. Leo slid off his sunglasses, revealing his handsome chiseled face as he tossed back another shot, followed by another.
    He wasn’t sure what to say to her. She was younger than him by at least four or five years and a hell of a lot more classy, but that didn’t seem to matter much to Mily. She was enamored by the mysterious looking biker beside her. He was a conquest, a game to be played and won.
    The next hour passed in a drunken haze. Leo and Mily talked for what felt like an eternity. She told him that she was passing through Desert Shore on business. Technically, it wasn’t the truth, but it was easier than having to explain the logistics of her lifestyle to every attractive stranger she met.
    Mily had stopped into the bar for a
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