Saturday Night Special

Saturday Night Special Read Online Free PDF

Book: Saturday Night Special Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mari Carr
he was going to get something to eat.” While Riley was disgusted with Trev for cheating on his wife, she couldn’t completely hang the man out to dry. She’d spent at least an hour of Friday night listening to him cry in his beer over missing Jo. Regardless of his infidelity, he loved his wife and she figured he deserved a chance to make amends if he wanted to. After all, he was going to be a father.
    “Tell you what, Johanna. Why don’t you see if you can get a room here at the hotel and Riley and I will go find him?” Aaron suggested.
    “We will?” Riley asked.
    “Yes, we will. You’re probably tired after the flight and that’s not good for you or the baby. Call us with your room number, take a nice long bath and we’ll send Trevor to your room when we find him. In fact, you can surprise him. The two of you can have a romantic night together and celebrate. How does that sound?”
    Johanna smiled at him as she stood. “That’s a great idea. My feet are killing me.
    Thank you, Aaron. And congratulations on your marriage.” She started to walk out of the room but turned at the last minute to look at Riley. “Bye, Riley. No hard feelings?”
    “We’re good, Jo.” Riley waved and watched the woman retrieve her luggage from where she’d left it in the hall. Aaron closed the door and leaned on it wearily.
    “You forgot to give her back her bat. She may want that when she finds out what Trev’s been up to,” she said.
    “That’s exactly why I kept it.”
    “So, Mr. Wonderful, any ideas on where we’re supposed to find Trevor and the hooker? Vegas is kind of a big place, you know.”
    Mari Carr
    “I’ll call the front desk and see if he’s still here.”
    “Don’t you think Johanna asked about Trev first? He’s probably checked out.”
    “I’m still calling the clerk. Who knows what Johanna asked and it’s worth a try.”
    Riley dressed while Aaron placed the call. She listened as he questioned the clerk and she could tell from the conversation he wasn’t having much luck getting any answers. She didn’t expect he would, but her cop was clearly on the case.
    “Well?” she asked when he hung up.
    “All he would tell me is that Trev checked out last night. Probably broke a rule telling me that much, but I mentioned the worried, pregnant wife.”
    “Wonder if he was still with Bella when he left.”
    “I suppose we could try to track down the clerk on duty last night, see if he remembers anything Trev said when he checked out. If Bella was still with him, I sort of think the clerk would remember.”
    “Why’s that?” she asked.
    “Bella makes quite an impression. She’s sort of…” Aaron gestured with his hands in front of his chest.
    “Stacked?” Riley asked and he nodded.
    “Oh hell yeah,” he said, so reverently she rolled her eyes.
    “What is it with guys and big boobs? They’re just fat and skin.”
    Aaron shrugged. “They’re fun to play with.”
    “Let’s roll. The sooner we find Trev, the sooner we can straighten out this marriage mess we’re in. And for the record, I don’t appreciate you telling Jo we’re married. You know what a gossip she is. She’s probably already called half of Baltimore with the news. My family will freak.”
    “We are married, Riley, and the only problem we need to correct is the lack of honeymoon boom-boom.”
    “Oh, that’s very funny. What are you, three years old?”
    Saturday Night Special
    As she reached to open the door, she was surprised when Aaron turned her and pushed her against it forcefully. He pressed his body against hers and in an instant she felt the arousal she’d only just managed to beat down come surging to the surface again. It seemed that with one firm touch or heated look, he could drive her to the brink of an orgasm. Jesus, she felt as if she were with two different men. One was her familiar best friend, while the other was a hot, dominant stranger who made her want to do all sorts of nasty, naughty
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