Sasha's Dilemma

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Book: Sasha's Dilemma Read Online Free PDF
Author: T. Smith
Tags: romance new adult
looks furious for a second before he looks back at the blonde
and starts flirting with her again. I smile to myself because he
tries to act like he is the shit, but I know that bothered him; the
evil part of me is cheering inside. I agree and we make our way to
the dance floor after our drinks.
    Dylan is a good dancer; though he
can’t dance as well as Josh. A slower song comes on and he
pulls me close. He wraps his arms around my waist and leans in to
kiss me. It’s so unexpected that at first, I just stand
shocked. My mouth finally catches up to my brain and starts working.
My heart starts pounding in my chest and I’m hoping Josh does
not see us kissing. Dylan is a good kisser, not too rough and not too
sloppy. We stand here kissing for what seems like forever. I feel a
tap on my shoulder and turn around; it’s Brit and she doesn’t
look happy.
    "What’s up?"
    "Lola is going crazy. She is
in the kitchen trying to swing at some girl."
    Oh, shit. We take off to the kitchen with Dylan holding my hand. I see Blake
holding Lola back from some brunette who is yelling and screaming at
Lola. Blake spots me and asks me to get her out of there to cool off
before she goes even crazier. I walk over to Lola and she is
basically crawling up Blake, trying to get to this brunette who is
now smirking at her.
    "You better wipe that smile
off your face before I decide to make them let her go and have at
you," I warn her. She looks at me for a while; then turns around
to leave while Lola is still swearing her head off at her.
Thankfully, she walks away.
    "Lola, come on, let’s
go home."
    "No, Sash. Fuck that bitch. I
ain’t going ‘cause of her."
    "Yes, you are. We have to get
up in the morning to study, so grab your shit and let’s go
before I make them carry you out."
    She looks at me, and then huffs.
As we walk out the door, I smile, wave to Dylan, and mouth “sorry.”
He just shrugs and mouths “bye.” I don’t know how
to take his reaction as he was the one kissing me so I choose to
ignore it. I turn around and notice Josh standing in the corner
staring at me. He has an impassive look on his face.

Chapter 6

    My eyes fly open as my message
tone goes off. Argh! Daylight. Morning already. I pop my head into
Lola’s room on my way to the kitchen for a coffee. She is
laying in her bed, typing away on her phone.
    "Good morning, how you
feeling today?”
    “Fine. Why?
    “Fine? Well, you weren’t
fine last night. What happened?"
    "Some bitch was throwing
herself all over Blake right in front of me. Then she had the nerve
to push me out the way when I came up to talk to him."
    I raise my eyebrows at her. "So
that calls for you to pummel the chick’s face in?"
    "Only if you’re being a
dirty little slut," she says with more venom than seems
    "Lola, come on. When are you
going to admit you really like Blake?"
    "Okay. Well, yeah, I like
Blake. I never said I didn’t. But we just hook up from time to
time, don’t read anything into it, Sasha." Lola says,
trying to brush me off.
    "What a load of bullshit,
Lola! You don’t go that crazy if you don’t like the man
more than you’re letting on. You like Blake a lot, and she was
flirting with him! Don’t tell me not to read into it. I am
reading you like a book, and the name of the book is ‘I’m
in Denial’. Am I right?"
    She looks up at me with softer
eyes, but then huffs, "I don’t like that book, Sash."
    "Have you spoken to Blake
this morning about last night?"
    "Yes, who do you reckon woke
me up?"
    "When are you going to wake
up and realise
that you guys are crazy about each other?"
    "We’re just mates with
    "Yeah, yeah, whatever, Lola."
    I decide this is a dead end of
conversation. They’re both too stubborn for their own good. I
go back to my room to see who is texting me. I’m surprised to
see it’s from Josh.

    We've got a situation.
    I can’t stop thinking
    about you ...

    Well, clearly that’s not
    OUR situation.
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