minder yourself.”
Veera shrugged. “Yes, but I try not to pry. I am more of an open receiver. I see everything at the same time if I don’t pull my mind in. That is how I met my mate, actually. He came to help me cork my talent or, at least, get it under control.”
“At least you knew what it was.” Salika smiled.
“Not really, but I learned. Fixit helped, so did Stanik. He became my link, and his mind hooked to mine to keep me stable. Now, we have simply made the link permanent.”
“But you are a psychic talent, so that isn’t necessary for me. I have a collection of support assistants. I don’t really need anyone else.”
“That might not be your decision, but we will see how your training goes. If you can break through your personal restrictions, you might need someone to stabilize you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You aren’t telekinetic, and you are not an elemental. You are an electrical talent. The power that lifts the sand is static. You are putting a charge between the sand and that is why you can lift so much of it at a time, also why you can move smaller pieces more easily.”
“Ah. Well, I don’t know much about electricity. We were taught about it in school, but it isn’t really in use back home.”
“How are you with magnetics?”
“I know about magnets.”
“Well, you are creating a force between the particles that you can manipulate. Your containment is excellent, by the way, so you already have that working in your favour.”
“So, I am making the sand repel other sand particles and that is why it moves.”
“Correct. It is also why the damp items will not be easy for you to manipulate.”
Salika nodded. “It does explain a few things.”
“Well, in order to help you get to the place that you need to be in order to take on your talent completely, you will be meeting with Hroma until she has helped settle you. While you are meeting with her, we will ask you to drop Saluk and Saber off at the administration offices. They are an excellent resource for you, but you need to confront your pain on your own. They can console you later.”
“So, tomorrow, I go straight to Hroma?”
“Each and every day until she pronounces you fit for further training. Sometimes around here, you get exactly what you asked for, and it is a pain in the butt.”
Salika chuckled. “I have been raised in public care as a pariah, and I have survived without the help of another of my own kind. I need to learn how to reach out and deal with the population around me. I lack social skills.”
“You are doing fine with me.”
“I am employing the same skills now that I do when I am picking someone’s pocket.”
“It is a good thing I don’t have pockets.”
They laughed together and talked for another hour before Veera left.
Salika headed to the bed, opening her suit and bouncing onto the mattress. “Well, you two are going to spend some time with Veera and Fixit tomorrow.”
She felt the disgruntled emotions from Saluk, but Saber was content to hang out with his grandparent.
Salika looked to Saber and scowled. “What would you like to be? Male or female?”
Saber sent a confirmation of his current appearance. He wanted to be Saber, all hot pink and crimson.
“Saber it is.”
Salika yawned and settled in with her companions, and she looked forward to the morning. Fear would happen once she was walking into Hroma’s office.
It took three weeks before Hroma pronounced her ready to learn. Salika had cried, wailed and expressed her fury at the two men who had attacked her when she was too young to defend herself. She came to grips with the fear that they had instilled and the mechanisms she had created to try and get around as if everything was normal. It wasn’t normal and that one touch from Imron had nearly broken her walls of calm.
Salika looked at Hroma and smiled. “So, how are things?”
“You tell me. You are wearing your experiences where you can draw on them now